• I am 58 years old and have been a WW on and off for about 10 years. I have had moderate success with the programs over the years when I have stuck with the plans, but it seems just when I get within 5-10 pounds of the goal, I can feel my determination slipping away and I begin to binge again until I know the weight is coming back. I have now eaten my way back about 1 maybe 2 dress sizes out of a 35 pound loss. I figure its about 20 pounds already. I am going back to WW today to try to stem the gain and get back on the program.

    Does anyone have any remedy that has worked for them to stay focused? I could really use a buddy and some input. Thanks. Hope to hear from you.

  • It's not easy I know that and I have gained and lost 100's over the years. It is a lifetime job because we have an illness. Come join us over at the fiesty 50's and sexy sixties where we all help out each other . We're a friendly group and will offer you all the support you need. See ya there.....donna
  • LINDA Hi there, I post on the
    "Feisty & Sexy 50 & 60 yr" old board with Donna (Hi Donna) and would also like to invite you to join us. We support each other in this weight loss journey which appears to be never ending, and discuss a whole bunch of our things as well.
    Hope to see you there.
  • Linda:
    Weight Loss is hard. Come join us on the 50-60 thread. We all support each other and help when we need it. Great bunch of gals!
    So join us there and Im sure you will find the support you need!

  • Lanogan....We are all in the same rocky boat...back to W.Watchers myself. We haven't given up the ship yet girl...the fact that you're wondering tell me that...get on an eating program...saying "the heck with it"....only works for soooo long, and then we have to do something about it.

    You are at this site, keep posting, and keep looking into different areas...eating right, exercise, and that water drinking all add up to weight loss. No magic bullets, no magic pill.....paying a lot of attention to what goes into our mouth...and diligence...and not giving up - giving up is easy...sticking to a program and getting results is where we want to be.

    Glad you're here, that's the first step...stay with it!