W.O.W. Declaration of THINdependance Challenge ~ Week 1!

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  • Afternoon girlies!

    After all my boohooing about my clutszy feet, I was down 3.8 this morning!!! WOOT! So... I am off to Havasu this afternoon and will bootleg a connection to check in, okay?

    Mtig... chin up... the downward swing is still in effect! I promise

    HolyT - Glad you are alive and well! I JUST deleted my Myspace page a month ago... I wish I had known you girls were all there! Maybe I can get BF to make a combo one with me? We both got bored with it and decided to delete ours both.

    Okay off to shop at lunch for last minute river stuff. Be good to yourselves!
  • Im on Myspace, but umm havent checked it in about 3 months. I should do that. Good to see you HOLYT! you too E32!

    Ok. I'm done with my horrible work week. AND TOM started so I am getting some relief there. I better apologize about typos at the start I am completely and utterly tired. Food is going alright. I am about to re-commit my self to no carbs at night. about too because we are eating italian for dinner tonight But that wont stop me from working out tomorrow like a mad woman! I would like to get back to the 5am workout, but really feeling the need to sleep so I doubt I will set my alarm. But I will take Tommy to busytown and get in a good run (if I can get on a treadmill). I didn't get in my water today because I forgot my water bottle but I will get it in tomorrow. I think I am rambling or babmlieng or something like that so I am gonna shower eat then go to bed (another no no, but I am SOOOOOOO tired and hungry)
  • I hate this trying to post from work. I can't think straight and don't get to spend the time I would like. I need to get my pc fixed soon.

    I was up to 192 this morning. Mid-cycle gain??? Prolly. I need to get in some good workouts this weekend and hopefully get back into the 180's. I like that number so much better.

    Nix- That's all I can say.

    Get busy this weekend girls. I hope to see skinnier WOW girls on Monday.
  • Bad bad week. Lots of Easter Bunnies and 0 exercise. Gotta get back in the right head space. I am sick of being flabalishis!!!
  • girls!

    OMG I'm like schizo with this moving! One day, I'm so nervous and terrified and the next, like today, I'm SO happy and psyched up!

    Susie took me to Wallyworld so I was able to get a crapload of groceries.

    For some reason, I want to get dolled up.
  • I got my computer fixed today and did it all by myself. I am really happy about that. However, I am not happy with the scale. I am up 3 pounds in 3 days now. God, how can I get rid of this mid-cycle gain crap??? I just have to rest assured that I am going down, just in a wacky sort of way.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. Keep on plan and stay strong.
  • got my eyes all fixed up ladies! In a week I can go back to gorgeous eye glamour....now that I'm done with school, started my business, and got my eyes fixed, it's back to focusing on better eating and exercising
  • Hi Little Mammas!
    We came home a day early from Havasu. BF wanted to get home and order the UFC fights, which we are currently watching. Nothing like 2 grown men who live to beat the tar out of each other. Not my thing.... but nice to be home a day earlier!

    Mtig... I am up too.... but not worry. We work hard, we stay dedicated, it comes off plus some. Happy to see you have found your inner nerd! I love figuring computer stuff out. Something about it makes me feel like I could rule the world, if I can reformat a harddrive

    Jcat - hows that energy level and sleep catch up? I, too, have succumb to italian food this week end (tonight) and feel my eyes wanting to slam shut right now.

    Shari- the move is getting closer! I'm excited for you!

    HT- Yay for new vision.... I hear the whole lasik thing is pretty crazy. I have been blessed with fairly good vision... but it sounds so exciting to have instant gratification in eye sight. I love technology!

    Okay girls... gotta go do my banking and stuff and hit the sack... Ahhhh my own bed! Talk to ya chickies tomorrow!
  • Heya girls,

    So all seems to be goign well, Nix, I had italian last night, but I tried to be good, and I didn't get a starter or desert, just went straight for the main dish, most of us did too so I didn't feel too silly.

    I then had to walk a mile and a half in heels and omg am I feeling it.

    So hope everyone is gettin on well, Shari, hope your move goes well,

  • Good Day All. Another crappola day in Grazieville. I did manage to take a short walk yesterday despite the overeating fom mid-afternoon on. Today I am journalling and planning to get out for a decent walk this a.m. Gotta hate when those bad habits start creeping back in!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Hey to all, just back from vacation bout midnight last night, stepped on and off the scale, not doing that again for a few days. I actually ate pretty well but hands and feet are like balloons today from all the sodium (and the 16 hours trip each way)

    Love the name for the new challenge!!

    I am going to make it my goal to hit 129, that if only 15 pounds from where I left on vacation. Can do!!

    BBL, got to get everyone unpacked!!
  • What's up with the Italian?? I had Subway yesterday, twice. I just get tired of figuring out what to eat. It just gets boring.

    My scale is still up about 3 pounds. Hormones. WTH? I'll just keep doing what I do and I will eventually make progress. Man, this seems an awful lot like work.

    Nix- I hate the UFC crap. Why do people like to get the crap beat out of them?? I don't get it.

    MM- Welcome back. Hopefully you didn't do too much damage on vacation.

    HT- WOW!! Eye surgery. Must be cool.

    Kosh- Not much fun walking in heels for any distance.
  • http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/show...88#post2705788

    Time for a pick me up.... Lets go girls.... New Week above!!!