Weight loss / Fighting depression

  • While I was on my elliptical earlier and trying to think about anything but the pain in my ankle and my feet falling asleep, I had a thought. When you commit to a healthy lifestyle, you can't rely on just making good choices for yourself when you feel like it. You have to COMMIT. You have to plan. You have to keep yourself in check even when eating a salad instead of ice cream is the last thing you want (ok, there would maybe be a more satisfying alternative than a salad, but you get my point)

    Now why can't the same thing be attempted for fighting depression? I know those of you who suffer from depression might be a little peeved at me for telling you "Hey, just BE HAPPY already!" But I guess that's pretty much my point. I am bipolar, so I do understand how hard it is (at least for me), but in my opinion, depression is tied in with my weight problems that I think of them as pretty much one in the same.

    When you are craving something unhealthy, you want to eat something unhealthy. Once you do, you feel bad about it AND have more cravings to eat more unhealthy things, starting a vicious cycle. When you're depressed, you want to think depressing thoughts, which lead to thinking more depressing thoughts, starting a vicious cycle. Just as with healthy physical habits, we need to develop healthy mental habits and strategies to keep ourselves under control when we fall into a depression so we can climb back out. You have to notice when your mind is falling into a loop of destructive thoughts, and just STOP IT. You do have control. You might still be physically depressed but at least you won't be feeding it.

    Anyway, I believe that you can fight your weight issues and depression issues at the same time, and this is what I'm committing to do starting today. It won't be easy. I'm curious to see if anybody else has some thoughts on this. And I really have to stress that I'm in no way trying to minimalize the devastating effects that depression can have on your mind, body, and life.
  • You have to fake it till you make it! I know I've heard a million times, sometimes just pretending you're happy helps you get through.
  • Yes , you are absolutely right! Sometimes all is so black, and when you have depression everything unbearable! But always exist other option. So you are here, you know that you have problem.
    So now is the moment to start smiling! So tell me what you like to do ! What is your hobby or what you love most in this world! You need motivation, lets found what make you happy!

    Smile girl you are flower and you know that!
  • aneleh is very right--this is what I do...I have so many reasons to be thankful for my life as it is now---I try to focus on my life now rather than where I came from---I look ahead not behind and yes, I definitely fake it till i make it many days..yesterday was actually one of those days for me..

    faking it works for me..trying to take care of myself the way I would a dear loved on works for me--at least better than most things do..

    Victoria is right--think back to a time in your life when you were the most happy and try to figure out what was contributing to it then--then DO IT!
  • I feel like weight gain can often be an outward expression of depression. I know that when I was at my heaviest of 248 (yep, I said it) I was very depressed.

    Exercise and taking care of myself by eating well is a big help in lifting my depression. And on days when I'm struggling, I too "fake it 'til I make it"! And when I get home, I take a hot bath and go to bed early. That's another way to care and "baby" myself.
  • I agree with you 100%

    I also always feel better when I am eating right and going to the gym. I was going 4 or 5 days a week and I did not feel depressed at all. I haven't been able to go the last couple weeks (went 1 time in 2 weeks) and I have been VERY down. After about 3 days of no working out I feel myself sinking into depression...

    I have also had a very stressful couple weeks at work and financially. I've been overwhelmed with family drama also... I have been doing really good since New Years... But I let it all sink me the last couple weeks...

    I guess I just need to keep swimming and try not to sink.

    (Like Dory from Finding Nemo says... "Just keep swimming...Swimming.."

    Sorry, guess I needed to vent.
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  • I would guess he is insecure.You have lost a lot of weight and I would guess gained a lot of self confidence.Certainly no excuse for his behavior, but that would be my guess.My spouse has never been jealous or told me what not to do but in the past when I have gotten in really good shape, he has been more in tune to to other mens attention.I would tell him how it made to feel and she if he fesses up as to why he reacted this way.
  • I also have to sometimes 'fake it til I make it', because if I keep following the track of depressive thinking on bad days, it just gets worse.
  • I completely agree with you!
  • I'm one of those stuck in the cycle people also. I know I'm never gonna be happy fat. Also the way I feel about myself is starting to affect my family. I feel bad about myself, so I'm always in a bad mood which puts my husband in a bad mood
  • Let go of the past and fears! With medications, it work on using coping/life skills. I starting to love life, even though life is complex. Keep a journal, pen and a nice journal book and write your thoughts and feelings. Doctors help with medications...but its your part on self control and self help. Do things that makes you happy and make time for yourself.