Saying ADIOS forever to 70ish pounds - April thread!!

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  • Quote: OMG - is this not the friggin truth!!!!!! Why is it that the bigger the clothes the uglier the fabric? Just today I went shopping at Macys. The skinny clothes were so trendy, the fabric so adorable - then you get over to the plus size clothes with sofa fabric prints!! UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And people WONDER why I don't want to dress up more often!
    Hi chicks--may I join you? My goal is to lose 65 lbs but 70 would be even better. I'm taking it 5 pounds at a time; that seems to be easier for me to handle than a big number like 65 or 70.

    2BThinagain, your post cracked me up. Sofa prints indeed! That's a perfect way to describe it. Sofa fabric prints, or kittens with sparkly things on them. Puh-leeze! I may need a larger size, but I still want to look cute and I DON'T want to wear a baggy floral tent!

    My weight loss hasn't been all that fast because I'm reluctant to give up things like weekly lunches with co-workers. I've decided that, for now, I'm going to keep with my lunches but I'm going to be more conscious of my eating choices the rest of the time. Now that Easter is out of the way, I can focus on good healthy eating. I won't have to worry about ham gravy or chocolate bunnies for another year!
  • windchime -

    The thing with the fabric drives me nuts, why haven't the *** departments of these plus size companies realized what type of fabrics we'd like? Don't they have any plus size employees?!?!

    Anyway, welcome - 5 pounds at a time is a great way to. Goodluck,
    please post back often!
  • Down 2.4 since last week, woo hoo for me! It's my first weight loss in a few weeks!! I am totally sore from playing the Wii every day! I only did it for 30 min. this morning but Mondays are always crazy for us, plus today my son had a well check with 3 shots.
    Anyway, here's to 2.4 more next week!!!!
  • Quote: Down 2.4 since last week, woo hoo for me! It's my first weight loss in a few weeks!! I am totally sore from playing the Wii every day! I only did it for 30 min. this morning but Mondays are always crazy for us, plus today my son had a well check with 3 shots.
    Anyway, here's to 2.4 more next week!!!!
    YEAH!!!!! Wow, that's a fantastic first week loss! Keep up the good work!
  • 2Bthinagain.. awesome loss this week!

    Windchime, welcome to the group.

    This week I weigh in at 191.4lbs.. 1.8lb loss wohoo!

    Hope you all had a great weekend, and are ready for another week
  • Paperskin, congrats on your weight loss too!!
    Who was keeping track of our percentages and stuff?
    Where is everyone!!
    I already did my Wii Fit this morning - was interrupted with our 5yo who wanted a turn, so I will have to do it again after school starts and after my 'annual', speaking of that...I want to ask my gyn for that CA125 test, is that what it's called..I've always heard about a simple blood test, but that dr's don't like to do it because the numbers are inconclusive? Anyone know about that?
  • I can do our percentages.. but I think we need to start fresh since I only have the beginning weights for the three of us (FatPants, 2Bthinagain, and myself).. from March 13..
  • There are only 3 of us left?? Oh man, how sad????? The first time that 70s show thread started over a year ago I guess I bailed 'cause I didn't think I could do it.
    I'm here to stay this time, even if it's the 3 of us.
    I have lost 4 pounds since my GYN appt on Tuesday!!!
    UTI, so I've been sick -- but hey, at least it's 4 pounds gone!
    I know, I know - water weight -- and I know it will be back but still, but the time I weigh in on Monday I still hope to be down at least 2 pounds from this week.
    I haven't been on the Wii since Tue. morning just because I have been in bed, and throwing up and light headed, but today I'm out of bed and feeling a little better.
    Anyway, have a great day girls!
  • Paperskin - a 1.8lb loss!!! Whoa!! You are doing awesome... I'm so proud of you!! Are you still working out twice a day?

    2bthin - 4 lbs! Holy smokes lady, you are really flying! Sounds like the Wii fit is really working... you're doing so great! I have also been sick this past week and lost some weight from not feeling well, but hey, I'll take it!

    Well ladies my official weigh in this week is 189.4 I think it is a combination of a few things, one, last week I worked my tail off exercising, but didn't lose any weight... this week I took a break and just watched my eating (kind of had to since I felt sick most of the week!) and the scale seems to have finally caught up with my previous week's effort. So here's to hoping I don't go hog wild this weekend now that I'm finally feeling better!!
  • Fat Pants! I just noticed your 5K time - amazing!!!!! and in the 180's.. that's awesome too! As for the 2-A-Days.. I'm doing that about 2-3 times a week.. just to keep the metabolism going.. It's made a huge difference with the weight loss too..

    I will tell you my weight on Monday because I am scared of the damage the weekend will cause.. I have to go to my Mom's house on Saturday night and another dinner on Sunday because my aunt is in town. I so don't want to go.. I would just prefer to eat at home and go after the food is served. Good Pakistani food is my weakness.

    In other news, I went to see my aunt last night (she was at my Mom's house visiting from Ottawa) and she went totally nuts when she saw me. She hasn't seen me since December.. so she was so ecstatic to see my skin in such good condition and my weight loss.. also she loved the highlights.. I hadn't realized how much I had changed in the last four months.. she just kept on going on and on about how beautiful I looked.. on one hand it made me feel good, but on the other side, I was like How bad did I look? I know it was pretty bad.. not the weight, but my skin was horrible..
  • Paperskin - speaking of metabolism you just reminded me that I forgot my thyroid meds. Cool that your aunt loved and noticed your changes!
    I wonder how much weight I'd have to lose b4 people notice.
    I am getting highlights on Friday and can not wait!
    Today I am wearing a skort from last summer and a shirt and feel like frosty the snowman in both shape and color - I am that white and that round.
    I looked closely at my belly profile (naked) in the mirror and was just dumbfounded that it is belly is the grossest thing on my body.
    Too much info I know, I know.
    My bladder pains are still here , they were getting better but started up again last night. I have not done the Wii Fit in 5 days or so , and I miss it !!!
    But my bladder is so sore and tender and I'm peeing non-stop and I'm so tired, not making excuses HONEST- and the bonus is that I have no desire for one of my cokes or anything high in calorie.
    Looks like I'm the largest in our group!! You have both reached WONDERLAND already!!!! Good for you guys!!
    I hope to join you there by the end of June or 4th of July.
    And I can't wait.
    Have a great weekend!!!
  • 2B I think it's alright to rest a bit and get that UTI cleared up... those things really suck! If you keep up the Wii Fit exercise, you'll be in ONEderland in no time!

    So how did everyone's weekend go? I did alright - ate too much on Friday night, but made up for it on Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, vacation's now over and it's back to the grind. Had a tough time getting up this morning when the alarm went off...

    PaperSkin, I mentioned it on your blog, but way to go on your aunt noticing your weight loss so far! I bet that really felt great!

    Well nothing new to report here...still 189.6 this morning but I'll take it! I ran the 5k twice this weekend and am up to running for 13+ minutes straight. My time is still around 36 minutes but that's ok. I run for about 20 minutes total and need to really work on those hills... they are killer! I have about four months left before the big race so I've got plenty of time, though.

    Well it's off to check my work email (groan!!!) and get back to it. Have a great Monday, everyone!
  • Here are the percentages from this week. Please let me know if any of the numbers are wrong and I will correct them. If you are interested in getting in on this list, please provide your start weight, current weight, and your loss for this week.

  • Still can't believe it's just the 3 of us!

    Would you believe this UTI stuff came BACK? It all started a week ago - last Tuesday) went to the ER they gave me an antibiotic, w/i 2 days I was feeling better - Friday night it hurt a bit - more frequency - okay over the weekend, then last night I'm going to pee every 5 minutes.
    I don't understand it.
    I do have something called "intersticial cystistis" which is urinary frequency but it hasn't bothered me much over the years - just 2 bad flares ups in the last 2 years -- since we moved to OHIO.
    So I'm going to be grumpy today.

    Diet news: No cokes in over 8 days and no drive thru food since before Easter!!
    I also tasted brocolli for the first time and it was NOTHING like my imagination thought it would be! It wasn't that bad and went well with the whole wheat pasta salad.
    No Wii in a week with this UTI stuff
  • Did you finish your antibiotics? I had a UTI last year that I thought was better so I stopped my antibiotics, but then it came back and I had to get a new antibiotic to solve it. Just keep drinking that water.. and some real cranberry juice if you can stomach it. I hope you feel better soon.