Maintenance is not worth the effort.

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  • That's it.

    I'm done.

    I've had enough. It is too hard to always think about what I am eating. Exercise---who needs it? It is interfering with my life. And for what? All my clothes are too big. I don't want to spend money on new clothes, especially when it is a 99% chance I will just regain the weight.

    My blood pressure was just fine 50 pounds ago. Sure, my cholesterol was creeping up, but I'm sure that's just genetics. I have health insurance---there are plenty of drugs to keep things under control.

    So I have decided to kick this lifestyle to the curb. I shall revert to my old ways and allow the fat to come back on like a cozy blanket. Cause these days I'm just cold all the time.

    As for my new clothes, I'll give them to my daughter. We wear the same size now....but don't you think that it is wrong for a 36 year old woman to be mistaken for her 16 yo daughter anyway? These hips have birthed 4 kids---and I want them to be easily recognized for that triumph.

    So I'm out of here. You can find me at Krispy Kreme.

    APRIL FOOL! Have a great, healthy, on plan April 1!
  • I've literally had 5 friends change facebook statuses to something about being pregnant. I don't know what to believe!

    But thank goodness YOU are kidding! Oy!
  • That's a great idea!! (mental note to get on Facebook this afternoon)
  • OMG I was ready to smack you silly!!!
  • OMG...
    You got me there!!!!
    And I was like: I am not even going to write to her because she won't be coming to check 3FC anymore... I thought you were a lost soul... LOL
    I am glad it was just a joke, after all your hard work...
  • no she di int!!!

    I KNEW it was a lead in to something!!! you. go . girl.

    let's rock the maintenance thang
  • I have been so wrapped up in today that I forgot it was April until I read the April thread in weight & resistance training, then promptly forgot again until I read your post. I actually started to choke on the water I just drank as I was trying to wrap my head around a response. Then, I scrolled down...

    You're silly!
  • LOL - that was good. I believed you! Sad thing is that I've actually HAD that conversation with myself before, usually about 15-20lbs into a relapse. Then about 40 lbs later I'm crying over my tub of ice cream and thinking "if only I'd got it together when I only had 15 lbs to lose!"

    Glad you were only foolin' !!
  • Nice try, midwife!
  • Whatever, midwife! I didn't fall for it for a second!

    I did fall for the woman at the gym this morning telling me I was walking around with a big hole in my pants, but in my defense, I hadn't drank much coffee yet.
  • Best April Fool's joke I've seen in a long time!

    Thanks for that!
  • I might have been tempted to believe it from someone else, but not you!
  • I caught on with the title--you can't pass one over on me!

    My DD signed off of Facebook early this morning because of everyone sending her strange notes that she didn't understand. So far? No one has been able to dupe me. I guess you get less gullible as you age.
  • You are a brat!

  • You evil gal!
