~~April Golden Girls~~

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  • Hi Everyone,

    Last night I graded papers & did NOT do my "move around every couple of hours." Today, I'm going to try to get up and move every commercial. That should get me moving!

    Tough chore today - I plan to visit my neighbor who is in the alzheimer's home. Another neighbor is going with me. I just cannot face it alone.

    Oooops - here's another commercial - need to get up and move!

  • Hi ladies, just wanted to let you know about my heart monitor watch........woooooohoooooooooo, I burned 208 calories during my workout. It tells me when I'm in my zone, and when I go over and need to slow down a bit........I think i'm really going to like this.
  • Good Morning, It is a beautiful sunny day here today. We only have 31 degrees right now but it isn't snowing!! In fact we have fire warnings out!

    Susann, we haven't sold our house yet here in Colorado but this deal was jsut to good to pass up. In fact, we had pretty much decided to not even look anymore until this one sold WHEN this one appeared!! It is 3 bdrm. 2 1/2 bath 2 car attached garage with a 1 car carport attached too. Pretty much the same sq. footage we have here PLUS an inground pool. So we decided to take the leap and do it anyway. It seems like the housing market is starting to pick up some here. We live very close to Cripple Creek, CO. and they are adding 500 jobs to their community this month. Mostly casino jobs but I can't help but feel some of them will be needing a house close by and either have cash or good credit!! So saying lots of Prayers and it would be just wonderful if this one sold before we have the closing on the one in MO. It is possible.

    Freda, My Dad is doing some better, Thanks so much for asking. He did get into the skilled nursing facility and was doing pretty good. Then he ended up with that MRSA!! So after he was getting used to (and liked) his room mate he had to be in isolation. That was about 3 weeks ago. Now the MRSA is pretty much under control but a new bacteria has shown up in his urine so he still has to be in isolation for a while longer. And there is a spot, about the size of your little fingernail, on his incision that is still open and seeping. They took him to the Dr. on Monday for that and packed it and gave him more meds. for it. He will need to see the Dr. again on Friday. So this has really been hard on him... My Dad has always had such a wonderful personality and everyone loves him and he loves to be around people. Hopefully, they can get him back on track and be able to get his stronger.

    So you can see why I am so happy about finally finding a house back there that we like and in our price range. We are planning to go back there this coming week and do a walk through and inspection on the house-- just to make sure we don't find anything major wrong with it. I don't anticipate anything though. My Aunt went over with my brother and she said she really liked it and she would move in without any hesitation. That is high praise!!

    So I am starting to get things better organized.. I already have a lot of our things packed, enough to where it looks like we live in a motel! But I am going to go ahead and pack as much as I can now and just keep out the bare minumum! We'll probably be living out of suitcases for a while here!

    OK, Gosh, I didn't intend to write a book! Guess I'd better get this day started..
  • Good Morning!
    I'm just going to do a quick sign into the 'Accountability' thread and answer Susann's question.
    I have a pink cuisinart popcorn maker, Bruce uses oil in it and I use butter flavored Pam spray for fat free popcorn. What makes mine tasty is the 'Kernel Season's Popcorn Spritzer. It's a zero fat, zero calorie butter spray that makes seasonings stick to the popcorn. I also have a few of their seasonings. I have Sour Cream & Onion, Caramel, white cheddar, kettle corn, ranch, chocolate marshmallow, parmesan & garlic, and nacho cheddar. The ranch is my favorite!
    I eat a bowl of popcorn every night with one of these calorie free seasonings on it. I purchased some of them at Wal*Mart but they only carried a few so I ordered a bunch on-line. www.NoMoreNakedPopcorn.com
  • Morning ladies,

    My schedule is a bit mixed up today and that is when I run into trouble getting my exercise in. Anyone else have that problem? On routine days, I do fine. I did buy a pedometer this morning and a water bottle. Baby steps, but hopefully helpful ones.

    Karen, I used to live in Colorado. Loved it! Good luck on selling your home.
  • Quote: I've learned to budget my calories like I budget my money. I can't eat all I want, anymore than I can spend all I want.
    That's a great attitude. I think I'll borrow that.

    Quote: Morning ladies,

    My schedule is a bit mixed up today and that is when I run into trouble getting my exercise in. Anyone else have that problem? On routine days, I do fine. I did buy a pedometer this morning and a water bottle. Baby steps, but hopefully helpful ones.
    Cindy, everyone has days when everything is off schedule. For goodness sake I've been off schedule since Christmas and just when I was getting back on track my FIL got sick and died and our darling little grandson was born in the midst of all that trouble. I thought I'd be back to a regular exercise schedule by now but so many things need tending to with my FIL & MIL's business that some days are complete write-offs. Today is one of them. It's the complete journey that counts. Sometimes there are detours but the destination is the same and eventually we will get there.

    As I said today is an off day for exercise. I had to go to my MIL's place today and get her to sign a few papers and then I decided I needed to go to town when DH gets home from his last bus run so instead of changing into exercise clothing I stayed in my jeans and t-shirt awaiting DH. I might get my bike done if I'm not too tired when I get home. I'm supposed to do my circuit workout but I'll be so tired afterwards I won't want to shop and I need things for the weekend.

    The weekend is going to be just grand. DS, DIL and Baby are coming for the Easter weekend and I can't wait to get the baby in my arms. He is growing so much in just a month. Today he is 4 weeks old and on Saturday he'll be a proper month old from his birth date. I want to pick up a few Easter eggs (really good ones and not many) and a few groceries. And I just want to go somewhere by myself without any responsibilities of taking care of anyone for a few hours.

    The weather is so nice today. The thermometer outside the window is at 18 degrees C, which is about 68 degrees F so it is glorious for this time of the year. The sun is even shining in between the sun showers. I have windows open and the warm wind is blowing through the house.

    Martha Stewart is doing her thing there on the TV and I'm just ignoring her until something catches my eye. Nothing yet. But today I made the Cheese, Bean and Rice casserole from the Hillbilly Housewife site. It was like a savory rice pudding and very delicious. I'm going to make it again this weekend but instead of kidney beans I'm going to use black beans and serve it with salsa.

    Susan, I've always wanted a watch like yours. Glad it's working so well for you.

    Well, now you have another chapter in my life. Have a good day and catch you later.
  • Wanted to drop by a give a quick hello to all.
    I'm still hanging in, losing very very slowly....but as many have said...it's a journey not a race....so plodding on. I'm taking a lot of comfort in finally finding a program that I can stick with for life. I'm not feeling deprived at this point and feel like most days I have control. Still need to work on the portions, but that's a battle that will never go away I'm afraid. And trying to fit that exercise in too.....seems as though I'm in good company with that.
    It's finally getting warm here. Hope everybody is enjoying life!
    My DMIL dementia/alzheimers is getting a bit worse. I makes me want to slow down and enjoy the little things in life....hang in there.
  • Hi girls: Had a rough time since my gallbladder surgery, nothing to do with the surgery. Ended up with a stomach bug that lasted five days, then I found out that due to a heart issue I have to eat low fat, lower blood pressure, etc. The good news if I get some things under control the doctor believes the damage done will repair itself. I wanted to find a forum for low fat but the only one was fat smash and I just want to do my own thing, no particular plan, just cut the fat and portions. So far I have lost fifty pounds so must be doing something right!

    Gonna try to catch up some, but won't go all the way back.

    Hope everyone is doing okay. Have a good day.
  • Wow Sue!! You're doing great. Sorry you were so sick.
  • Thanks for your support everybody

    I wrote the butter spray on my grocery list.
    A friend told me a long time ago she lost her weight with mangos, but I never tried it. I bought the frozen mango pieces and tried it last night, and it worked. It suppressed my hunger pretty quick.
    I also read where walking and exercise is a natural appetite suppressant. I always thought of walking as a way to tone body muscles, not to help control eating. That motivates me even more to walk and exercise.
    I wrote it on my calendar to watch The Biggest Losers next Tuesday.

    Hugs, Jada
  • Good Morning ladies,

    I just love all the tips that we get from each other. Until I read your post Jada, about walking and exercising controlling hunger, I didn't put 2 and 2 together. I have been walking faithfully, and exercising faithfully, and my appetite has really gone down. I sometimes don't even think about having a snack, and when dinner time comes around, a bowl of cereal is enough for me. I attributed that to my stomach shrinking, but it might be a combination of the two.

    Ok ladies, I'm gonna share a secret with you all. Before I started this on March 2, I was literally squeezing all of my boobs into a 42DD bra. Now, NOW, it's getting tooo big..........YEAH!!! I don't care if they all go away, far far far away. Big boobs are definitely NOT what they are cracked up to be.

    Karen31, I'm glad that things are picking up in Colorado, it seems when things pick up in other places, they pick up here too. We have so many people who would love to retire and come here, but they can't sell their home where they are, such as up north, California, and even Florida. But, we have noticed the housing market picking back up some here. Several of our listings are being shown a lot, but I'm afraid the financing is going to be the kicker for awhile. I hope your house sells very soon, and your new house sounds fantastic. If you know of anyone wanting to move to Barkley Lake in KY, send them my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, gotta get my workout done.......LOVE the watch, btw, I burned 208 calories during my workout, then burned another 200 during my walk. We added some power mile segments to our walk, and that really helped. We would pick out something that was far enough away to give us a good power walk, and go for it. It really kicked our walk up, and we both felt great afterwards. When you have that watch on, you can't help but want your calorie burn to keep going up up up!!!...lol.

    Oh, and btw, I ordered 5 of the popcorn seasonings that Bobbi told me about. That website has a special, buy 4, get the 5th free. I ordered the spritz and seasonings....can't wait to try them, THANKS BOBBI! I'm a popcorn fool!!

    Everyone have a great day in the neighborhood.


  • Okay . . . I'm officially in a bad mood . . . even though the sun is shining . . . just finished my taxes and wrote an over $5,000.00 cheque to the Canadian Revenue service. Happens about this time every year, but that doesn't make it any easier.

    Other than that, life is doing fine. The cats are going crazy (full moon tonight). Going out for lunch today and will try (but likely not as hard as I should) to avoid fattening stuff.

    See you later.
  • Good Morning
    What's with the mango? I just googled it and see it's considered a comfort food, maybe that's why it helps curb hunger. I'm going to pick up one next time I go to the store. Do you just skin it, cut into chunks and freeze?
    Why they're good for you

    Mangos have the highest amount of beta carotene of any fruit. They are also high in fiber, but low in calories (approx. 110 per average sized mango), fat (only 1 gram) and sodium, so make a great low-calorie snack. They are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and potassium.
    Mangos are also said to contain an enzyme with stomach soothing properties similar to papain found in papayas. This might act as a digestive aid and give you the good feelings associated with “comfort foods”.

    A friend told me a long time ago she lost her weight with mangos, but I never tried it. I bought the frozen mango pieces and tried it last night, and it worked. It suppressed my hunger pretty quick.
  • Morning ladies,

    I got a brisk 20-25 minute walk in yesterday. I gave up on programming my new pedometer. Too techno for me, I guess. I drank more water than usual too and it actually tasted good. One bad piece of news...I weighed myself at DD's on her digital scale and I weighed over 7 pounds heavier than at home. I am trying to process this. OMG! It's discouraging.
  • Good morning Everyone,

    OK - I have officially crossed the line - last night I dreamed about exercising! I wonder if you can burn calories exercising in your dreams?

    Getting ready for this weekend's camping trip. ALL my family - sister, daughter, nieces/nephews and their spouses are meeting at a nearby camp ground for a Birthday (mine on Saturday)/Holiday weekend camping trip.

    I decorated Easter bags for everyone yesterday at scrapping. Today I bought all kinds of high calorie/carb stuff to fill them. Hopefully, I will restrict my high calorie/carb eating to a SMALL piece of my birthday cake.

    Bobbi, did you want BL to vote off Helen or Sione? I was hoping that Helen would go - I HATED the fact that she sent her daughter home instead of herself. Oh well, at least Sione got to go home to his family.

    Check back later,
