Tremendous Tuesday Chatterings!

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  • Hey, everyone! Just a quick check-in today! I've read all your posts, but just don't think I can respond to everyone. We're going to start printing in a few minutes and then it will be a envelope-stuffing party!

    Cyndi: What a terrible loss. Thank you for reminding us all why we're here; to get healthy now and to enjoy life as much as possible.
  • Just being overweight not Obese or Morbidly Obese Was the best feeling I remember both days OMG I'm not going to die from being fat! OMG I'm Not Obese!
    Red letter days!
    Rikki I've got enough water on me to float away too here's to chugging it away!!
    Ruth that sounds great I bet your lawn/yard is going to be fabu Give Jazz a scratch for us!!
    Twynn that sounds so good!!
    SChmoo Poor DH was Mom ok I love Thai but never order Seafood unless I'm down the shore
    Happy Beachiversary CAT!
    Chelb I'm sending you positive Vibes for a KickButt Day!! YOU CAN DO IT!
    Cyn Wierd lifes little wake up calls My thoughts and prayers are with you and them! Let us know if we can do anything!!
    Cottage The gardening sounds awesome! I want to come to your house!
    Hi Kim!!
    Lisa Prayers are with you lady
    Me: Last Night we had a Junior League meeting I'm a provisional and they asked me to be the Chairwoman on the Newsletter for Next year!! Special Request from our Pres so I'm psyched!!
    I made a Low carb (Beachified) Pesto "Lasagna" Ph 1 Friendly I think. . .is McCormick Pesto Mix compliant? I was going to use sauce but The Jar was not Kieran Compliant and I didn't have a big wrench I also made a Tuna Loaf that can also be "muffins" or maybe baked crab cakes if your so inclined that I beachified
    BTW the Nori wraps soo good!!!
    OK back into the breach!
  • Hey girls. I need to get over here more. I don't have time to do personals on most days - please forgive me - but, you all help me to stay accountable and I really need that.

    Most of the day yesterday was good. Had too many servings of grains, but at least they were whole. Went out for greek and splurged on tabbouleh and chicken kebabs. I *love* greek.

    Took DS1 to see Monsters v. Aliens yesterday - the 3D terrified him and we left after 15 minutes. Poor kid was trembling. I think the rocks flying at us really scared him.

    Headed back to the social security administration today - I went yesterday to apply for a new ss number for Connor as his hasn't arrived yet and I need it for taxes. Was turned away after waiting for almost 2 hours because some of the paperwork that I brought as identification wasn't properly signed by the pediatrician...a phone call to the ped informed me that the nurse must have just forgotten....well, thanks. DH is coming home early to watch the kids. Wish me luck...if you don't hear from me by this evening...send food....and probably liquor.
  • Hello all,

    Sorry read everyones post but do not have time for personals.

    Cyndi thanks for the reminder- so sorry to hear about that Family.

    Busy day at work today- meetings and more meetings. Tonight we rented girly movies and are going to watch should be fun. This weekend we are leaving for Florida for a week and taking the kids to Disney World. Though DS informed me he is not going next year on Spring break with us as he does not want to miss any track meets as he will be a senior.

    Have a great day ladies.

    P.S. Chelby you can do it with all of your support. Have fun
  • Howdy girls! I need to get back on the wagon! I thought I was doing OK... but I can't seem to get here more than once a week. When I am here, I do better. (I won't talk about the peanut M&M's from last night...)
    Tomorrow is a new month, new start!
    On a different note, I had 2 sick kids last week. I thought they were getting better, just dealing with a little cold. DS started running a high fever at the end of the week. My mommy voice told me to take him in. The doctor said is was probably nothing. They swabbed his throat, it came back negative. They called yesterday, he has strep! I sent him to school! I had to pull him from school and after a full day on antibiotics he was able to return today. DD and I also have strep. Scary part is that this doesn't feel any worse than a stuffy nose/semi sore throat.

    I am OP so far today... trying to stay that way!!
  • Thanks Kierie!

    Jenski, mmmm. Peanut M&M's....

    Little Guy is an eating machine today! I'm SO glad he has an appetite. After his large breakfast, he had a whole chicken sandwich, a few Doritos (Tom had to tell him he could have some.... I guess some junk is ok, right?) Then he was still hungry so he had a yogurt and some cheesy crackers. Wowee!

    When I went to the store yesterday, they had our Celestial Seasonings Fast Lane Black Tea back in stock! They'd been sold out for the last 2 weeks, so I've gone without my morning fix. Now after 2 cups here's me:

    Well, I made a little bruschetta so I'm going to have some for lunch. Hope everyone is doing well today!
  • Hi Chickies,
    So its afternoon already. Went for a walk at the mall today and wound up buying a pair of jeans at Eddie Bauer. They were only $20 for anything at that price is almost free, right. I bought the same size as the last ones so I guess the scale must not be too bad although I will not weigh myself yet.
    Concentrating on drinking more water today.
    Pretty much on plan if it wasn't for those peanuts hanging around.
    Lisa - wow little guy is on a growing spree.
  • Lisa - my DS gets like that. Before he got sick, he would eat and eat and eat. I had no idea where he was putting it!! Then he seems to grow 3" and all his jeans got short, all seemed like overnight! So I know where at that food went. DS has been sick so his appetite has slowed down. It is slowly returning, I better stock the pantry!
    I have been MIA... I gather you quit your job and the Mary Kay is working out well?? I lost my job in Jan and have been SAHM since then. I am torn what to do. I feel more rested and not as crazy, but I also feel like something is missing. Tossing around the idea of going back to work, but only part-time. Also tossing around the idea of taking some classes. I need to find something to do... I am going a little stir crazy here at home when they kids are at school.
    I kind of miss the paycheck too! I might change directions and focus on something I'm more interested in!
  • Jen, Little Guy was super sick for a very long time so it's refreshing to see him eat. It used to be 3 bites of whatever you gave him and then "I'm full." Now that he had surgery and his sense of taste is back, he's an eating machine! Thankfully he likes fruit and is forcing himself to eat vegetables so he doesn't get sick again!

    I did quit my "real" job and MK is going great. It's full-time income for part-time hours, so I only work 8-10 hours a week and get to stay home during the day (or get the things done that need to get done!) Little Guy is out on break right now so I'm home with him (oh the daycare fees are GONE!) but most of the time Tom takes him to school in the morning, and I have time to get to the gym, check email, do laundry and dishes, clean, etc. Then I can get him from school and make dinner. After dinner, I change clothes and work for an hour and a half. Come home, spend time with the boys, go to bed and start over! I really enjoy the freedom! I'm much happier than I've ever been.
  • Lisa - your new schedule sounds awesome!!
    I have something similiar.... but witout the paycheck of course! :-)
    Glad to hear Litttle Guy is feeling better.

    Is anyone else wondering what happened to January, February and March? The months are flying by!!
  • finally getting a moment to check in. Like many today I wish I could be here more often. Last I looked I was starting spring break and now that is 1 1/2 weeks ago. Yes the months are flying by...we only have 37 days left of school!! Will try better to check in I need the support.
  • I joined Don and his coworker up at a local bar this afternoon for a margarita and snacks. Totally off plan but so much fun! The coworker used to work in computers back in the 60's so he was fun to talk to. Don might be out of town this weekend but I'm hoping he isn't since Brian will be camping. I'll just have to wait and see.

    I finally got Brian in for a haircut. He got it buzzed so it looks a lot different.

    I got the mowing done and had a wonderful dinner with black beans, Rotel and cheese in a tortilla.
  • Krispy Kreem Donuts! At the morning meeting!!! Oh, My!

    I had the best day! It was fun being with adults all day. I was busy the whole time. I've had jobs in the past where I had to pretend to be busy. Yuck! My brain is frazzled and I'm thoroughly tired. I'll sleep well tonight! Tuesday and Thursday will be my long days as I have to teach Jazzercise after work.

    Anyway, just wanted to give you an update. I'm off to bed!
  • Chelby- One of the hardest parts of adjusting to the working world will be standing strong in the face of Krispy Kreems... and candy dishes... and girl scout cookies... and happy hours... oy!

    My last job was actually for a food magazine, and we shared a floor with the test kitchen. bad news!!! new employees were warned about the expected 15lb weight gain.

    Anyways, glad you had a good first day!