No honestly, I AM laughing at myself

  • So I'm keen for anyone to notice I've lost weight. Yes I know the hairdresser said so a couple of weeks ago but they're paid to be complimentary none of my friends have noticed yet.
    So I think this new bustline/bra is such a big improvement that people Must notice Now....

    so I had lunch with the Platonic Man today. He's bound to notice, I thought. If nothing else he must notice these Jayne Mansfields standing to attention.
    Nope, nada, zip.

    Then we were in a shop that sells humourous greetings cards. 'Here's one for you', he said:
    It was a photo of an old granny, in a typical old-lady dress, a typically roundy granny, carrying a tea-tray quite high. With the caption 'Gladys had thought of a back-up plan in case her bra failed....'

    the next 'here's one for you' was:
    A picture of a naked woman standing on the scales, with the caption: 'Elspeth was determined to carry on weighing herself naked, although it caused a bit of a stir at the WW meetings.....'

    I just could not help laughing at myself: here I am (in my head) with over 20lbs lost and a great rack, and one of my best friends shows me cards about floppy boobs and being on a diet.

    It's ok, I'm not down and needing support, one of these days I'll burst upon them all in my full glory - but today I had to laugh at the irony!
  • A man in general wouldn't notice a thing if it's not pointed out lol I had once cut 10 inches off my hair and my husband did not notice until my friend pointed it out after he'd been home for 4 hours
  • That's the danger of having lunch with Platonic Man- he is Platonic Man and is not supposed to notice these things
  • I was going to say he was probably too polite to comment on your rack , but from the cards, I'd say your relationship isn't that reserved!
  • Men. I am glad you have kept your sense of humour. I may have been tempted to slap him upside the head myself. LOL!

    I don't think my husband has really noticed my weight loss either.
    Yesterday his brother was stopping by with our niece and I ran upstairs to find some presentable pants to wear. (I was in dirty yoga pants...I was on a clean spree!)
    My only pair of jeans are too big and in the wash. I grab the next size down jeans and they fit. They are a teeny bit tight in the waist, just a teeny bit, when I sit but not enough to be uncomfortable. I come downstairs and he was like..."I thought your jeans were in the wash, where did you get those?" I told him they were old ones that I haven't been able to wear before.

    He looked surprised.

    Then he did say he liked how they "fit my shape." He was doing damage control. Of course, theyare snug across my big ol' butt and he does like that.
  • You HAVE to keep your sense of humor about those types of things and it sounds like you handled it with grace What a guy! I might have smacked him