YOU: On a Diet - March/April chatter

  • Hey everyone - I'm way late with this thread, so I tacked April on as well. Is anyone still around?

    My biggest challenge these days is getting myself back into the gym. My eating has been pretty good, but I absolutely need to exercise, and I have not been.
    The time change threw me for a loop, and since it's still dark at 6am, it's hard for me to get myself up!

    I'll keep this short until I know I have someone to chat with!
  • I feel the same I have been doing great on following my plan however my frustration lies with exercise and finding the time to fit it all in.
  • I am still around but I haven't logged on in a long time. DD is getting married on May 9th and I have just found out that I am insulin resistant, hypoglocemic and my thyroid isn't working. Sound like a bunch of fun? Dr. gave me a reprieve until after the wedding but as soon as the wedding is over, back on YOAD strict and exercise. I am trying not to put on more weight than I have....20 pounds so far.
  • Keep on it. You did a great job for the weight loss.
  • Sindy....thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • Well, 12 days to the wedding and then it is back 100%. I have no energy and I can't decide if it is from not eating right, no exercise or if its the messed up metabolism / thyroid. I worked in the yard yesterday and I am paying for it today.....muscles are screaming. Opened the pool on Saturday but the water is still too cold to do water aerobics......maybe it will be warm enough today since its going to be 88 degrees today.