Binge-free challenge ~ Mar. 23 - 29

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  • Good Monday morning, chickies! Anyone out there who needs a fresh start? Let's make it a binge-free week. All are welcome.
  • yay! Now I am 2 weeks binge free? wowee...Thanks wardhog for starting another thread...
  • Very good idea, I'll join you! That would be my second week binge free, hope it's free too.
  • alright.. i made it through the weekend with no binging!!! even with going to my parents for dinner- chicken and dumplings my favorite and chocolate cheesecake also a favorite- i did awesome!! i didnt even eat any cheesecake, or dumplings! my motto has always been, 'eh why not, how often do you get this type of food? go ahead and splurge!' well instead of that, i used 'this will not be the last time you come over here for dinner, you dont need any of it right now' and it worked!! so i am 1 full week binge free!!
  • I'm in.
  • I fell off yesterday. Pain was so bad that I ate a whole box of poptarts.

    So Here I am again!! Going to try REALLY hard to make this a WHOLE week Bing Free!!!!
  • Bad night last night.Should never had opened the first Reeces........I am starting over today.
  • YES, I need a binge free week!!

    Yesterday I went waaaay off plan and woke up today 2.8 lbs heavier. I'm not freaking out though because that can't all be "real" weight and, plus, we all make bad choices sometimes.

    This week I choose to stay on plan 100%.

    It's Monday 23rd March 2009, I'm ready.
  • will be doing my best. My father is back in hospital, in ICU, and may not survive the week, (he is hemorrhaging into his lungs, and they haven't been able to stop it, just slow it down) so the big stress is back, and once again, I am finding it easy not to binge right now. Doesn't make a lot of sense, but I plan to get through this week and the next few without a binge, because eating well keeps me sane.
    good luck to all, but I will be away most of the week.
  • I am so sorry, fatmad.
  • Completely binge-free for 43 days.

    Fatmad, I am terribly sorry.

    harrismm & Hotsplahes, good luck on tomorrow being a binge-free day!
  • I'm all in for the week! I'm on WW, and had quite the "off plan" weekend...a few bad choices here and there, but I feel so guilty and discouraged. I'm ready for this challenge, let's do it!
  • fatmad, I'm so so sorry. My thoughts are with you.
    WormwoodDoll and jendiet, WOW you are doing so great! Good job.

    I made it through the first day yesterday. The hardest day, for me.
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    Fatmad.. I am sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts are with you.

    Wormwooddoll, Congrats on 43 days binge free!!! What an accomplishment!!

    Ate well yesterday, on day two now. One Day at a Time!!

    Keep up the great work Ladies!!
  • Hi all! OMG, fatmad I am sooo sorry! This is terrible...My prayers are with your dad...and you. You are so strong to just not dive into a chocolate pool right now...

    Wormwood great job,

    hotsplashes you are right to take it one day at a time...

    ida, You can do it..remember take hotsplashes day at a time..

    Nikki, we all make mistakes...don't beat yourself up...

    Dianee, good attitude!

    harris--get rid of the junk food. If I have it in my house--the temptation is excruciating! I buy 60% dark chocolate chips for the occasional chocolate craving.

    Jennicole-awesome progress! I used that method when we went out to eat at Ryan's and IT REALLY WORKED.

    Hi Rainy--cheers to a binge free week!