Plateau, plateau, plateau

  • Hi everyone,

    For two months I hit a plateau at 300 lbs. I finally lost three pounds and have hit another plateau. It is such a strange thing, because I am not a huge or binge eater. My problem is that I am always just lazy with exercise. If I exercise and eat right, I tend to drop pounds readily.

    Not so this time. Could it be because I have been on this yo-yo so many times? I know now that I am older, my metabolism has slowed. Other than that, I cannot figure it out.

    I am varying my workouts, eating right and sticking to my allotted calories (as well as limited carbs, which send me over the moon).

    I don't want to be negative, but I am getting really frustrated.

    I know I am not the only one who has experienced this. Any tips to keep on keeping on?
  • How long has this lasted? It's not really a plateau unless you are losing less than 1/2 pound for over a month generally. Weight loss isn't linear, so there are times it will just slow for whatever reason.

    I have had several plateaus along the way. Some were a little self-induced Some just were for whatever reason - and those are the most frustrating. I have a bit of one going on now, but really - what is your alternative?
    You can give up and gain back the weight (and more), or you can view this as what a healthy lifestyle means and how great it is for your body to have good foods and exercise, no matter what the scale says.

    Patience is the true key to weight loss, patience and perseverance.
  • Could it be your calories maybe? Could it be that you need to add more protein in your diet? Or maybe you need to step up a bit with your exercise? I can remember someone on here said one time, it truely is like a science experiment sometimes to find out what works for YOU. I know its so frustrating though. Hang in there, surely you will see a drop soon. Dont give up!!!!!
  • Could use a little more information....
    In order to help you better - why don't you give us an idea of EXACTLY what you're eating and your exercise plan? Otherwise it's really hard to make suggestions on what you should change.
  • I think that some times your body just has it's own rhythm. I was losing 4-5/month for about 5 months The next month I gained a pound. Then the next week I lost 6! Go figure.