Feeling completely lost without my scale

  • My mom let our relative borrow the scale yesterday, and she is going to have it until Wed. so that she can weigh her luggage. I feel so lost without it. I feel like I'm going to go off track now , because I have no idea how much progress I'm making and I'm terrified of hoping on it on Wed and seeing that I gained 3 pounds or something. Ridiculous, I know, but I'm just so used to it.

    Is anyone else like this? Do you need to weigh yourself everyday? For the people that don't, how do you manage not weighing everyday? I'm thinking it might be a good time to break the habit and weigh myself weekly instead, but it's so hard. Any advice?
  • Why not make sure you stay on plan, get on the scale on Wed and see the scale go down a little?

    I go in spurts of weighing daily and weighing a couple times a week. Our bodies go up and down in weight all the time, based solely on eating an apple, or a glass of water, to a milkshake or burger.

    You'll have it back in no time, the scale is gonna be gone weather you make good choices or bad choices in eating, so why not make the good choices?