Game: Make A Sentence Out Of The Letters In The Word

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  • This time to be more challenging let’s try not use names. If we really have to, let’s try to keep it one for each sentence.

    From the old thread:

    Day in clean territory is only needed as ruined youth.

  • Awww, why you making it so hard Belezura!?!?! Wahhhhh. I liked using names.

    During entertaining parties, ladies only yearn mens enticing neck ties.

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  • If we can't use names. how about names of countries? I am going to be a rebel and use whatever I want. This is not school.. only a game,

    Quinton understood Albert never told Irving to yodel.

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  • Quote: If we can't use names. how about names of countries? I am going to be a rebel and use whatever I want. This is not school.. only a game,
    I'd rather make a rule that the sentence has to make some sort of sense instead of just stringing words together. Ha, ha!

    Using new orders rarely takes heat off doctors ordering x-rays.

  • new rules
    Quote: I'd rather make a rule that the sentence has to make some sort of sense instead of just stringing words together. Ha, ha!

    Using new orders rarely takes heat off doctors ordering x-rays.

    I like your idea best, I try to do that but sometimes it is a challenge.

    Many young officers make every connection to outlast matchmaking Yentas.

  • Zany escapades do offend all reserved youths.