I said I wouldn't but I'm going to do it NOW

  • Get weighed. I know I said I wouldn't until Easter but with trying this new to me thing of calorie shifting, I think it's just sensible that I should be monitoring it some. The lower calorie days are quite challenging, not un-doable, just 'challenging', and I would be so disappointed if I got to Easter and found I'd got it all wrong.

    So warning! In a few minutes, after I've finished my computer stuff, I'm going to get weighed. You may have to clear the area, if I haven't lost what I believe I should have - 'should' be 205.7 today. Women and children first.
  • It's ok. Sound the All Clear.

    Today I weigh 203.5, 7lbs in 17 days. I'll take that.

    I will also keep an eye on my calorie levels, and I promise not to get too sucked into going low.
  • ps This is the Lowest I've been since July 2007!!!!! OK, I'll stop boasting now.
  • Congrats!
  • There is no reason to fear the scale
    Boast away. Boast away. You've got what to boast about!!!!

    I thinking weighing is important. Really, really important. I view it as part of my "health routine". It's a reality check first thing in the morning. Helps to keep you on the straight and narrow. Reminds you that what you put in your mouth (and what you don't) has consequences. Helps to show you if what you're doing is "working". If things need to be tweaked.

    I avoided that scale for close to 15 years. Now, of course I knew I was morbidly obese, didn't need a scale for that. But I can't help but think, that perhaps if I'd weighed myself regularly, owned up to that number on the scale, faced it, it may have made me do something about it earlier.

    I also finally realized that the scale was never, ever the enemy. Never. Come to think of it, the food wasn't either. It was me the whole time. I was my own worst enemy. WE dictate what that scale says. WE determine that number. I always had the choice to eat properly - or not. The scale is simply a tool. A device for, well - weighing yourself. It provides some pretty useful information, information that I want to use and not hide from any more.

    I gotta tell you, when I saw you were doing away with the scale, it took every ounce of strength not to say something to you.

    I'm glad you've come to the conclusion on your own. And - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on the great weigh-in.
  • Thanks, robin. I need to work at 'the scale is not my enemy' because always in the past, a 'bad' result meant at the least a very grumpy morning, at the worst a mammoth binge.
    Over the last few weeks, I've sometimes been able to feel an almost clinical approach to what I'm eating: for example, in the first few days, I had to find healthy add-ins, because my calories were too low; some days I've drunk some soy milk, almost medicinally - it's not my favourite drink! - because I've known my calcium was too low. God bless DietPower, I say.
    Anyway, maybe now I can develop a similarly professional attitude to the scales - I really am frightened of them, a gain or even a stand-still just shouts 'FAILURE!' at me. This morning I prayed before I got on, and sent the dogs out of the room in case I was upset....
  • Quote: Thanks, robin. I need to work at 'the scale is not my enemy' because always in the past, a 'bad' result meant at the least a very grumpy morning, at the worst a mammoth binge.
    Over the last few weeks, I've sometimes been able to feel an almost clinical approach to what I'm eating: for example, in the first few days, I had to find healthy add-ins, because my calories were too low; some days I've drunk some soy milk, almost medicinally - it's not my favourite drink! - because I've known my calcium was too low. God bless DietPower, I say.
    Anyway, maybe now I can develop a similarly professional attitude to the scales - I really am frightened of them, a gain or even a stand-still just shouts 'FAILURE!' at me. This morning I prayed before I got on, and sent the dogs out of the room in case I was upset....
    Hmmm. First of all, unfortunately praying isn't going to make the scale *cooperate*. Again, it's our choices that dictate that. Secondly, FAILURE? Come now. Don't think failure - think - learning experience.

    THERE ARE NO MORE *FAILURES* FROM HERE ONE IN! Got it? No really, think of every so called failure, or misstep as an opportunity to learn something - about yourself, about the foods that you're eating and so on. Failures, nu-uh. This is no test. You're on a journey to better health and there WILL be some bumps in the road. It's actually PART of the process and can not be avoided.

    And just so you know, there will be times when you do every little thing "right" and the scale will not show it. You may see a gain. We are made up of practically 60% water and there is no way to keep that steady from day to day. The scale weighs ALL of us. Just not fat - hair, muscle, bones, organs, water. You have got to come to terms with that.

    And what's this talk about binges? - that certainly won't get the scale to head south. Get a "bad" weigh-in. Use that to keep you even stronger on plan. Let it motivate you even further. Use everything you've got. Turn "bad" into "good".

    Stick with your plan. Just stick with it, be open to adjusting it if need be. The pounds WILL come off.
  • Congrats!!! =]
  • Yay congratulations!
  • I am so happy for you that you made your "goal" and exceeded it!
  • On my goodness gracious, Ailidh --- you are standing right on the precipice of ONEDERLAND, looking down at all that good health in the valley below. Congratulations on the loss --- see, the scale CAN be friendly --- and WOOT! on getting ever closer to that wonderful new set of numbers! We are going to cheer you all the way!

    Keep up the excellent work, lady!
  • You should celebrate! It is good to let us know so we can celebrate too!!!!!