If I have 5 net carbs a day for the first week..... ?

  • If I have 5 net carbs for the first week, would the carbs get out faster.. so my cravings will be gone faster... ??
  • Unfortunately, that isn't the way Atkins works. Its very important to follow Atkins the way it was written....sadly, most people "tweak" Atkins to their liking and when it doesn't work, they turn around and say "oh yeah, I tried Atkins once..that didn't work for me"
  • Some tweaking can even be dangerous. Reducing carbs or fat beyond induction levels can have unhealthy and even dangerous consequences. Many people have gotten very ill trying to "improve" upon Atkins.
  • The cravings at least for me are more a matter of time passing than the severity of carb cutting. If you just give regular induction (under 20 grams a day) a shot, I think you'd be surprised at how the cravings will ease up in a few days. Maybe check Dr Atkins book out, he explains a lot of the science behind his diet.
  • Atkins Induction
    I basically stay close to induction. It's where I feel my best!!
  • I've done it (years ago) and it didn't help. In fact the one time I re-inducted at that low of a level, I got the infamous "Atkins flue" ~ I've never had it before or since, and have re-inducted several times. Don't do it; go by the book.