MRC vs Physicians Weight Loss Ctrs & other ???

  • Does anyone know if these two programs are pretty much the same?

    I was on a program called Nutri-Bolic which later changed it's name to Formu3 in the late 80's and early 90's. They are no longer in existance but Physicians is pretty close to their program and from what I can tell, the supplements for MRC and Physicians are the same. I am just wondering if the menus are also the same?
    Is there anyone here who is familiar with Physicians Weight Loss Ctrs?
    I am wondering if Nutri-Bolic/Formu3 spawned into MRC
    When I go to the MRC website the only info it will give me are success stories and locations. There is no info on their site for joining online, etc... I would really like to check out their menu plans. If they were the old Nutri-Bolic, I would be delighted!!!
    Anyone out there who can help me or steer me to a site where I can get more info on MRC other than what their website offers up?
    I would be eternally grateful!

  • AFAIK, they don't do online programs but you can do a mail order program with one of the centers. We've had several people on here in the past that have done that. Best bet would to be call a center that's closest to you and talk with a counselor about the program and what they could do for you.
  • thanks Finz!
    After reading and piecing together posts on here I am sure it identical to Physicians Weight Loss. Their wording of menus may differ some but what everyone is eating is the exact same thing and that's what matters in the end, right? The supplements are the exact same thing that I have been using on Physicians and the menus that others have posted are the same exact things I have been eating, so I will keep doing what I have been doing!