Weekly Weigh in March 2 - 8th

  • I didn't see a thread started for this, unless I am blind?

    I am down to 257, which is the lowest I've been in nearly 3 years! So excited about this

  • I don't think there is one, either, Aimee. You are down a total of 12 pounds? Hey, good for you! And into a whole new decade! WHOO HOO!

    I am down 2 pounds from last week, to 247. And it has been longer than I can remember that I have been in the 240's! So I am doing the little happy dance, too!


  • Monday morning I was seeing 256 which is a 3 pound loss.
    I am already excited about weighing in next week. (I have been unofficially peeking at the scale)

    A big, but sad victory for me is when I hit 245. After I had DS#4 in July, I was down to 245 at my first check up. That was 10 pounds LESS then when I got pregnant with him. I wasn't trying to lose weight, it was just that I was very careful not to gain too much with him when I was pregnant. So the fact that I shot up to 270 WITHOUT being pregnant a few short months later was REALLY depressing.
  • Lost 1 pound this week - so I am down to 163. That's five pounds since I started this time around. As of yesterday, I can fit into the pants I wore before Christmas. Hooray!!!
  • I am down to 264, which is the lowest I've been in a while & I needed the boost! Last week was my TOM and I was up 4 pounds and I cried. So I did a dance of joy to be down. Now to go update my ticker and try to find the points thread, I've temporarily misplaced it.