threw out birthday cake from mom, so sad?

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  • not sad. you took care of yourself by being proactive.

    GO YOU!! (and Happy B-day!)
  • Quote:
    It had "treats" but they are now things I do eat: tins of sardines, Stride sugarfree Sweet Peppermint gum, Aldi's Trail Mix, King Arthur Whole Wheat Flour (because I bake my own whole wheat bread), and some nonfood items, like silver & turquoise earrings. I've trained her well. I felt very supported & loved, when I saw this stuff. (Especially the sardines.)
    That's so sweet!
  • I'm in the same boat, sweetie, and would have felt the same way.
  • Way to go, not sure if I could have thrown it out, then it would have been in the house and I would have eaten the whole thing in one day.
  • I totally wish I had the strength to do something like that....

    my crazy thinking is to eat as much of it as I can until I get sick..and then THROW it least I tried?

    I have a real problem there...and it would be ideal for me to do the same THING...