Why do I love somersizing?

  • Because I have been making massive meals filling myself up to being stuffed and today after 3 days of somersizing am down from 135 to 132! If i were not somersizing I would probably be up 3 lbs from eating the amounts!

    I am so excited to be on this again because I forgot how well it works!
  • What is somersizing?
  • This is what I found about Somersizing....

  • I'm just amazed that I've been losing weight because in all honesty I have been eating like a pig!
  • "Other foods that are off limits include nuts, whole milk, and yogurt."

    This plan seems fishy.. Why can you not eat a lot of dairy products and nuts?

    You must get all of the food groups to have a balanced diet.
  • I think I will just count calories and get all my food groups in...
  • While I think Ms. Somers is a lovely lady, I bought two of her books (that included lots of recipes) but I found the plans too restrictive; it is a very low-carb plan, and I found I couldn't sustain it long-term and that's not good at all. I need all food groups to keep my blood sugar level balanced. Even Ms. Somers has admitted in one book that she has had some difficulty sticking to the plans all the time, as we all crave sweets and/or carbs sometimes, so she has been tweaking her plan in many ways over the years.

    I donated her books to GOODWILL for those who may only have 30 or less lbs to lose, as for someone with lots to lose like me, it just doesn't work for me long-term. I am doing the VOLUMETRICS-WHOLE FOODS-CALORIES combo and that is working better for me. I can see this as 'doable' for the rest of my life ...
  • There are no food groups that are forbidden with somersizing. But it is a food combining plan. When you have carbs, no fat allowed, but fat is allowed with protein and low carb veggies.
    So you can have spaghetti, (whole grain preferred) but the sauce must be fat free.
    Milk and yogurt are fine as long as they are fat free and with other non fat foods, (like a fat free cereal)
    So it isn't really even low carb.
    Soy and nuts can be added back after a while. They are just difficult because they have a combo of fat and carbs.
    Think of it as atkins with healthy carbs.
    Can work very well for people.