~March Golden Girls~

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  • Evening all....am not back yet....would you believe am still sick....coughing and choking...stoned on antihisamines and have company. I will be back when my sense of smell and humor returns. Drinks quarts fo water daily so then when getting a coughing fit do the sideward wiggle....no appetite not even for naughty foods. Back to bed....Karen3
  • Ready for a change
    Hi everyone, I'm new to 3 fat chicks, I have visited the website occasionally to find some new recipes, but have just recently joined and started earnestly tracking my food intake. I am walking 30 minutes per day, and I use another website to track my calories, fat, carb's and proteins. And, I too have lots of belly fat, and Bobbi, I had to laugh when I read your remark about standing sideways and your belly stuck out as far as your sagging breasts. OH MY GOODNESS, I can relate....lol. I look forward to reading more of your 50 + posts and posting some of my own. I appreciate any motivation that anyone can give me and I hope to motivate some of you also. I think the #1 key to our weight loss is going to be positive thinking.
  • Good morning all,

    It's raining out again today. At least we got some sun yesterday. Everyone taking their vitamin D?

    Susan, Welcome. Come and visit with us often. It's always good to have new idea's.

    Lynn, if you are comfortable at resetting your goal, then do that. You know if anything else it realistic. I said i would decide when I had meet my goal when i got there.

    Isabella, I watch TV while i'm on the treadmill too. Helps kill time. and yes, I usually watch a cooking show too. Funny, food is always on our minds.

    Make it a good day.
  • I managed to get through yesterday without any major upsets with food or family. Got my bike ride done and actually made dinner for today. I found 5 ww lasagna noodles in a box so I cooked them and made a miniature lasagna casserole for the 4 of us for today. Mom and I will have a small piece and DH and DS will have the big pieces. No left overs and nothing left in the dish to pick.

    The reason I found the noodles is because I was going through the freezer and cupboards looking for lost and lonely bits and pieces of food trying to make room for more food. I've decided to try and clean out the large freezer so I can get more wedding foods stored away. So I started with the frig freezer first so I could bring some food upstairs from the large freezer. This led to a quick look through the cupboards for any bits and pieces. So yesterday we had ravioli with leftover pasta sauce and a handful of leftover grated cheese, 9-vegetable patties that no one really liked so they were sitting in the freezer, corn and a green salad. Today we're having lasagna, baked beans, green salad and probably cauliflower. Now I have to go have a look and see what I can have for tomorrow so I can make more space. I've got instant brown rice sitting on my counter that should be made into something. My MIL didn't want it and sent it up to me. I seldom use instant rice but I did put some in soup I made for mom (another clear out of frozen chicken and frozen mixed vegetables). Ah, bean soup is on the menu for tomorrow so I'll get rid of the last of the frozen cooked barley along with more frozen vegetables and the end of a bottle of pasta sauce and I'll throw in a handful of rice. Anyone else have weeks like this where you try and eat up "old" food? (It's not that old, BTW. )

    Lynn, I feel how frustrated you are with that roving 1 pound. It's as if the body is holding on to the old fat that has never been lost before. This, of course, has no scientific backing just my thoughts.

    Karen3, you sound miserable. Hope you get well and feel like yourself again soon.

    Welcome, Susan. Come and read and post.

    Bobbi is the snow melting? I hate snowstorms any time of the winter but more especially in March and April. The only happy thought is that the snow melts away quickly this time of year.

    We're having alternate days of mild and cold. The hard cold core winter is coming to an end but we've still got another 2-3 months of cold weather before we can shed our winter coats. We still have snow piled up but it is shrinking.

    Have a great day people. I've rambled on long enough.
  • Hi, I have a question please. Where do u go to get the scale ruler or whatever it is that you call it, for example, Freda's dumb bell and weight lifter? I found it once, picked what I wanted, but I guess I didn't save it, and now can't seem to find it again. Can you help? And, once I find it again, how do I get it to here? Probably very simple, just hasn't sunk in yet.

    Thank you for the welcomes, and thank you for your help.

  • Hi Susan. The answer to your question is that you have to make at least 20 posts in the next 20 days and then you can go to the User CP and go into "Edit Signature" on the side menu and add your weight ticker/counter. I don't think you'll see the "Edit Signature" item until you have been here for the 20/20 time period. It's some kind of security feature. Just keep posting and before you know it you'll not be a little chick but an old hen with a ticker. And don't worry about knowing everything to begin with. Just about every new member asks that question so you're in good company.

    Well, well, I've got a veranda full of Starlings all trying to get at the one suet block I've got hung up on the rail. What a racket they're making.
  • Good Morning and Susan!
    Funny you should mention cleaning out old pantry items Isabella, I was thinking of going through our cupbboards/pantry yesterday and putting all the old dated cans/grains, etc in the front and the new in the back. Some of the cans will probably have to be thrown out. (old dates)....I'm prone to stock up on items when on sale, then don't get around to using them up. I use fresh or frozen mostly, I need to quit buying all that canned stuff. Someone hit me in the head.
    We have more business in town for MIL today so I best get off my dead butt and move.
  • I just got the most shocking news. Our neighbor of almost 32 years just died suddenly of a massive heart attack. She just turned 60. I could hardly believe it when another neighbor phoned and told me.

    On a happier note, DIL will be induced tomorrow morning and Baby Boo should be here sometime tomorrow. I have to get ready to travel. We're leaving on Friday to go to their place.

  • We've had another gorgeous day around here and I spent most of it out and about. Pleased to say I resisted all off plan foods while I was out, although chocolate bunnies kept calling my name. Bought more knitting yarn instead and I'll just keep on knitting socks and slippers for everybody I can think of . . . difficult to knit and eat at the same time.
  • DIL is in labor. We should be grandparents before the day is over.
  • It's rainy and cloudy and 40 degrees colder here today than it was yesterday morning. It was raining when my friend and I were supposed to walk, so we sat and enjoyed a cup of coffee together, talked about different low fat recipes, and by the time we had finished, it had stopped raining, and we were able to go take our 30 minute walk...., I feel so much better now.

    About me, I'm a 54 yr old mother, grandmother, wife, and daughter...lol. My mother lives with me, has been here for about 5 years now. She has dementia, and is getting pretty difficult to take care of. But, we get through one day at a time, and are making it so far. My husband helps out with her too, when he can. I have a wonderful son and daughter in law, and two beautiful grandchildren, a boy 4 1/2, and a girl who is 19 mo's. I drive a school bus, have been doing that since my son was in the first grade. That was 21 years ago, wow, I just figured that up....lol. When I turned 49, I started a new career as a REALTOR. My husband and I own a real estate company, he is my broker, which is another challenge...lol.

    My weight is like a yo-yo. I am up and down, I went through the change early, at 42, I'm not on any hormone therapy, so my metabolism is crawling. Time for a change.

    Thank you all for your welcomes, and I look forward to coming here everyday for motivation and support.

    Isabella, congrat's on your upcoming journey as a grandparent, there is no emotion that compares.

    Meowee, glad u made it through the day resisting the foods you wanted to, and wish I could knit. I learned how to crochet, but was never really good at it. At age 12 I learned to sew, and made my own clothes until it got cheaper to buy them than to make them. I would love to start back doing some sewing, but want to lose this weight first.

    Bobbi, good luck with cleaning out your pantry, gosh you ladies may just motivate me to clean out mine too. It surely needs to be done.

    Everyone have a good day!
  • Hi Everyone,

    Running around today. Getting ready for trip to FL on Sunday with my sister to see my cousing who had a heart attack recently.

    Try to check back later.

  • Quote: Hi everyone, I'm new to 3 fat chicks, I have visited the website occasionally to find some new recipes, but have just recently joined and started earnestly tracking my food intake. I am walking 30 minutes per day, and I use another website to track my calories, fat, carb's and proteins. And, I too have lots of belly fat, and Bobbi, I had to laugh when I read your remark about standing sideways and your belly stuck out as far as your sagging breasts. OH MY GOODNESS, I can relate....lol. I look forward to reading more of your 50 + posts and posting some of my own. I appreciate any motivation that anyone can give me and I hope to motivate some of you also. I think the #1 key to our weight loss is going to be positive thinking.
    Hi Susan,


  • Good Morning...I had a laugh this morning when I opened my emails and thought of you Meowee. It was a joke about a man telling his wife that the cat was in heat again. It showed a picture of a cat leaning against her scratching post with Red Stileto heel, Red Brassiere, Garter Belt with black fish net stockings and a whip.
    Isabella...let us know when you're grandma again.
    I have to put in my new Wii Fitness Coach now, talk to ya all later.

    Susann...Last summer I was going to make a couple of sleeveless dresses for gardening. It's been awhile since I purchased a pattern and I was totally shocked. For a simple A-Line sleeveless dress, it was $12.99 for just the pattern.Geeeeeeeeeesh, I can buy a ready-made dress on a clearance rack for that. I left the store with no material and no pattern.
    At age 12 I learned to sew, and made my own clothes until it got cheaper to buy them than to make them.