Should I try SBD again?

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  • I am having a really hard time deciding. My nutritionist doesnt believe in diets but due to my weight I really need a jumpstart in getting some off. I dont know if I should try SBD or do Nutrisystem and then do SBD.

    I did SBD a few years ago lost a good amount of weight and then totally fell off the wagon and could never get back on. I am at my highest weight and need a jumpstart. Any advice?


  • I believe you have to find the diet that is right for you... your nutritionist is right diets aren't good unless you consider them a lifestyle.... you must change your diet to lose the weight, but changing your lifestyle will continue good health and keep the weight off. if you just diet then go back, well... sounds like you already know what happens

    I think for many it is a very very workable plan. I love it... and when I stick to it-it works. Good luck on whatever you decide to do!
  • That depends on how much time and effort you want to put into planning and preparing your food. If you have a problem with that, I'd go with Nutrisystem.

    South Beach requires planning and preparing as quickie meals are not on the programme. It is not a "quick fix". Phase I is the detox stage and some folks lose quite a bit but it's really Phase II that is the actual programme and the long haul.

    Have you read the book? The revised food lists are in this Forum FAQ along with lots of helpful hints but you really need to read the book to understand the theory behind this plan.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • planning truly is key. last week, when i tried to start, i kind of just went for it and FAILED with a capital F. it was awful. This week (yes i know, its only Tuesday!!!) has been much better because my whole day has been planned out and I have quick breakfasts and snacks preprepared and planned so they are ready when i need them. what i am really enjoying right now is the consumption of "whole" foods. I dont feel like im doing my body a disservice because im giving it what it needs. good luck!
  • I don't believe in diets either, to be honest. I'm doing this because I think it's something I can turn into not-a-diet-but-a-lifestyle as time goes on. I had not yet developed that with Weight Watchers and I think that was my big failing point there. I was doing things I wouldn't want to do all my life for the sake of the scale, you know? Trying to cram every bit of food I could into 22 points a day. No thanks. But I think I can rewire myself to eat a chicken breast, a pile of broccoli, some sauteed spinach, and a little SF jello. Maybe some bulgur or brown rice or waxy potatoes (since they're lower GI) sometimes. Even the occasional cheeseburger or piece of cake when I've learned not to turn that into a week of milkshakes and cupcakes (oy). Does that make sense?

    I'd look at what your life will look like in two years, five years, ten years, trying to maintain your diet.

    I'm no expert, really - I've been around this one a dozen times, I think, and I don't have more than a year or two of maintenance to show for it. Just thinking out loud.
  • Waxy potato?
  • Quote: Waxy potato?
    There are basically two types of potatoes. Waxy and starchy (sometimes called meally) potatoes. In general "smooth skinned" potatoes are waxy and rough skinned potatoes are starchy. There may be exceptions, and there are also varieties and hybrids that contain features of both.

    Smooth-skinned like new potatoes, red potatoes, yukon gold... are waxy potatoes. Great for potato salads (because they hold their shape) and boiling. They're not as creamy when mashed, but if you like "chunky" mashed potatoes, waxy potatoes or a blend of waxy and starchy is very good.

    Russets and other starchy potatoes make the best bakers, but they also absorb much more butter (if you put butter on your tater). Bakers make a very creamy mashed potato. They're higher in calorie and especially if overcooked and lose their shape very easily in potato salad (you end up with a mashed potato consistency).

    Both can be fried, but you get a very different result. Smooth skinned make a decent "American fries" style fried potato, but they don't have the creamy texture when deep fried that starchy potatoes do, so they're not so great for french fries.
  • Don't tell your nutritionist you're on a diet. Just tell her you're cutting back on sugar, white flour, and processed foods...she'll be thrilled !!

    Seriously though, I've been on SBD for 9 months. Lately I've been a bit bad (freakin' cookies for the kids!), but in reality, my whole way of eating has changed....for the much better.

    I can't help but think that SBD helped me be the only one at work that didn't get that skanky cough that went around too! This is my healthiest winter in YEARS!!
  • Ruth: If you go way back to the very old SBD thread you will find we talked a lot =) I havent read the SBD book in some time and now hear they came out with a new one.

    To everyone: Thank you for all the tips. I was on SBD for a good long time and had very impressive results considering my PCOS and insulin resistance. I was terrified to make a mistake and fall off so I didnt until I told myself for my sons birthday I would have a piece of cake and pizza and then get back on the wagon. No matter how many times I tried to do that I couldnt. I crave sweets and even just going on to phase 2 and slowly adding back fruits made me gain weight. My body is very sensitive to carbs but on a low carb diet like Atkins I get extremely moody, frustrated and plain old miserable. I cannot live on a diet like Atkins.

    With SBD I did see it as a lifestyle change but was very frustrated I couldnt get to phase #2 without gaining weight back. My nutritionist said I could do something like Nutrisystem to get a jump start but then we would have to work hard into something like South Beach/IR/Low GI principles to try and keep me losing and not gaining. Or she said I could try SBD again. She said once my body was handling gluclose and insulin a little better than I shouldnt crave sweets so much.

    I am trying to find my old food dairy from when I was on SBD. I remember a lot of salads, a lot of wraps with lettace instead of bread, a lot of string cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, sugar free fudge pops, natural pb, sugar free pudding, grilled lemon chicken, eggs and lots of veggies. I am not a huge meat eater and trying to go vegetarian again too so not sure how that will work.

    I am not a big planner but when I decided to do SBD I had spent hours on this site reading about the SBD and told myself the next day I start. I did just that and it was easy for me. I dont know why I couldnt get back on the wagon. I dont cook often so my husband would cook extra chicken for me and almost everything else was easy to make or out of the fridge or pantry. I need something very structured.

    I was scared of failing before I started the last time and now I am even more scared as I need to take control of my life and lose this weight.
  • I also am insulin resistant, and have faced a similar struggle. Atkins induction made me ill, I lost weight on South Beach phase I, but couldn't lose on phase II. If I didn't have a way to include some foods I "shouldn't eat," I'd get discouraged and frustrated. Finding the right carbohydrate level for me, is a challenge I wouldn't even say I've mastered yet. I do know that high glycemic carbs make me ravenously hungry, so controlling them is essential to losing weight.

    I ultimately chose a low carb exchange plan. I modified one I found on the Hillbilly Housewife website. I took their 1500 calorie plan and added 8 optional flexible exchanges (approx 480 calories), that I can use on fruit, milk, starch, or protein exchanges. I try to make South Beach friendly choices for my exchanges. I also try to use Volumetrics principles (bigger food is more satisfying - so an apple is better than apple juice, soup is better than the same ingredients in a casserole...)
  • KimberleyHeidi, I sort of remembered the name but there have been a lot of Beachers pass through so didn't realize you were a former Beach Babe. I hope you stick around this time.
  • Hi KimberlyHeidi. I'm pretty sure you and I were on Phase 1 together at some time, possibly july 2005? I definitely remember you were posting at some point at the same time as me..
    Anyhow, I'm doing SBD again after a break from the whole diets thing. And yes I started again at my highest ever weight. Really wish I'd stuck with it that first time!
    I'm finding it tougher this time. I'm now on P1 Day 11 and it has been hard work.
    I agree with the other posts. Planning is key. I've planned about 5 days ahead at a time - meals and snacks. I've left nothing to chance! Basically each day when I wake up I already know what I'm going to be eating that day.
    So it's been tough, what has been positive during this past 11 days? I've had no cravings, and my jeans are defnitely not so tight. I look better. My skin seems glowier and my eyes are brighter. (I sound like a dog food commercial!!)

    Make P1 easy for yourself. Don't plan to do it during a time when you know you'll be going out to eat every night. I picked a down time for me and that's helped.

    Good to see you again!
  • Kimberly,

    I agree with what everyone has previously said - I have always been the most successful when I take the time to plan out my meals for a few days or at the very least, the immediate next day.

    I'm not dealing with a lot of the other medical issues that some of the other ladies are, but I think our overall gameplans are about the same.

    It's best to take some time and figure out what works best for you and try to remember that could take a little bit of time. (I know that's easier said than done!)

    Good luck!!!


    P.S. I returned your PM a few minutes.
  • I think I have decided to try SBD again over Nutrisystem. I know Nutrisystem is something I cant live on my whole life and financially speaking SBD would be easier. I just have to do it this time. I have to make my brain learn that if I fall off I need to get back on. I have to get rid of my all or nothing mindframe.

    My nutritionist has been amazing but she totally doesnt believe in diets as no one loses and keeps the weight off unless they stick with it and maintain it. She said if I cant see myself doing it in 3 years forget about it. Right now she is encouraging me to do a diet like program since I really need to get the weight off and since I need the structure. She eventually just wants me to eat plain old healthy and get my insulin under control so I can stop gaining.

    I honestly have no where to go from here but up. I have support through her who has made me understand my 5 minutes on the treadmill a day or even 1 minute count. I dont need to do 30 min or an hour for it to matter. I have to keep making small changes and making my mind believe they do count.

    I am going to have to go back and re read the book and also the threads. I remember the basics I used to eat but cant remember everything.

    Ruth: I hope I do too. I might change my name if its possible as I always am paranoid people who I know will read my posts and "spy" on me.

    Artamis, I totally remember you. I actually had a foster kitty who was named Artamis and it made me think back to my old friend who was on SBD with me on 3FC lol.

    Jenny: Thanks I will PM you back. Can you give me some ideas of how you plan? I know that sounds so silly but I am serious lol. I am not a cook at all (my husband is) and I am lazy in the kitchen.

    Off topic why dont I see the smiley option to insert one?
  • It's absolutely worth investing in a decent pedometer to encourage those little spurts of exercise. The cheap/free ones don't seem to work as well, especially if you have extra padding on your hips. For me it really helped me see the little things like walking up stairs and parking further out as part of the whole increase in exercise. I've now given three more as gifts because once people see mine they want one