Too good to be true

  • I was just browsing through the papers while I had my morning coffee and came across this article....

    While the chocolate idea is silly enough (it'd have to be stuffed full of Speed or something to actually work) what really boggled my mind were the 'Lipo-Slim Liposuction pads'.

    'The pads were said to suck out excess fat through a natural 'trap door' in the feet - in the same way that trees suck water up through their roots.'

    It gave me a good laugh to start the day!

    Not so funny though are the vulnerable people being ripped off with bogus cures for their serious health problems. There really are some unscrupulous people out there, I find it hard to imagine how they live with themselves. I guess all they see is the money coming in.
  • Sad part is those stories aren't uncommon. In the Does It Work? Forum, there are always questions asked about 'new' products that often have questionable ingredients and are usually just different formulations of the same old ingredients that are known to either be dangerous or not work.
  • hmmmm and all this time I thought those were callouses on the bottom of my feet.
  • Maybe my calluses are blocking the fat drains at the bottom of my feet? Chocolate might cure this -- eating it, I mean, not slapping it on my feet ... or a pedicure! I need a spa day, anyways...
    Thanks for the link!
  • "Natural trap door in the feet"??? Give. Me. A. Break.

    Sounds like those "detox pads" that you're supposed to stick on the bottoms of your feet and they turn black (because there's something in them that turns black when they get wet like from your sweat)!
  • Wow - I can't believe people fall for this stuff.

    It's sad all the people who have tried EVERYTHING (except diet and exercise) to lose weight and the money they pour down the drain.
  • Quote: While the chocolate idea is silly enough (it'd have to be stuffed full of Speed or something to actually work) what really boggled my mind were the 'Lipo-Slim Liposuction pads'.

    'The pads were said to suck out excess fat through a natural 'trap door' in the feet - in the same way that trees suck water up through their roots.'
    No, seriously! It works! They're just confused about how to use the pads. You apply them and then go run for 45 minutes. Every day. Asphalt and rubber activate them. Very effective for weight loss!