"Outgrown" Clothes?

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  • So what do you do with your "outgrown" clothes? I guess that's a silly term for our fat clothes, but I don't want to call them fat clothes because then I think of muumuus and unflattering drapery of sorts, and these are just my work pants that are now a size too big.

    I'd really like to throw them all out (ie donate to Goodwill) but something is holding me back. Is this fear or sabotage? I will never again be a size 12 pant. I have plenty of other clothes, bought in "inspiration" that I can squeeze into. Lack of clothing is NOT a problem. Why can't I just toss this crap?

    So what have you ladies done with your pants that you're now swimming in?
  • There's a charity called "Dress For Success" that really needs work clothes of all sizes -- they mentor women trying to get jobs.

    You are afraid of gaining the weight back.....but I say, don't hang onto them. It's bad karma....it's like saying, I'll put these here for when I gain the weight back.
  • i donated them all to goodwill.... anything that was a size too big. for me it was motivation because if i ever go back up i won't have anything to wear!! so yep, even if it was something i liked i got rid of it... plus all the cute SMALLER stuff i've been buying i like too.

    JUST DO IT!!
  • I give mine away to Goodwill. I get a tremendous kick out of it. In fact, and do it everytime I drop a size. For instance right now I'm in 10s. So I have all my new 10s, I keep my 12s for rough work, once I get to an 8, I'll ditch my 12s.
  • I throw away my outworn ones and i have a HUGE bag of the name brand slighty used ones to give away.
  • Just give them to charity. It will be a good cleansing experience for you, like fully letting go of that person once and for all. Whenever I go on a rampage and throw away useless items or old clothes or whatever it may be, it just feels great. Like shedding a layer of skin or something.
  • I'm still wearing them. I do have a pair of pants I retired. They just look ridiculous. I don't know what to do with them. All of my clothes are "modified" being that I'm so short and my butt is so big (so the waist is taken in). I may keep some of them for pregnancy weight gain.
  • I take them in. My faux mother-in-law gave me that spiffy Singer to play with, and it would be a shame not to use it.
  • I kept 2 pairs of jeans from when I was at my biggest. One of them fit me perfectly at the time. The other pair I couldn't get into because they were too small. Getting into those jeans was an early victory for me. I keep them as a reminder. But yeah, the rest of them I sent to secondhand places and I suggest you do the same!
  • Right now they are waiting in a bin for someone that requested a look through before they head to the thrift store. (She is coming this weekend!) There are a couple of dresses that are too big but I have been wearing anyway because I love them so much. Those are going to a friend of mine that will want them as soon as I decide they are too big to be flattering.

    If I had more patience and knowledge about that sort of thing I would probably try to sell them on ebay but since I really just want them out of my house, to the thrift store they go!
  • If you're lucky enough to have any access to a sewing machine(/knowledge of how to operate it, heh!), you can do what I do and take in your clothes! I'm sure it has saved me a ton of money, and the arrangement works out pretty well for me--I get to lose weight AND I don't have to give up all of my favorite clothing! But I also don't get to view them as a "Plan B" for if I were to gain back the weight, cuz all that excess fabric has been lopped off for good, hehe.
  • well with my pants I am going to keep them for a while...just until I know i am 'safe' and hopefully take some of the nicer ones in...the shirts well I mostly will keep them...I am a tee shirt junky...i have well over 200...and a lot of them I have grown out of and hoping to get into...the ones that are to big..and some of them already are...make purity good night gowns...lol hopefully though, the ones that just look terrible I want to save. I am going to make a blanket out of them...I thought that would be a really cool idea...
  • I've given some away, I threw out others. I also kept a couple items to remind me.
  • I give all my old clothes to friends, and then if they don't fit them or like them, I pass them along to a local charity. I used to give away SO many clothes, one friend came over and took home 1 garbage bag full, and then other 2 garbage bags full went to another friend.. that was when I worked in a clothes store. Now people get perfume and makeup, lol. A couple weeks ago I got rid of 7 bottles of perfume, that was 50% of my collection.

    I also never keep anything that gets too big - because I am trying to get smaller and don't want to give myself that excuse, if that makes sense!

  • I believe in the admittedly somewhat woo-woo idea that you need to make empty space in your life before new things can come in.

    Get rid of them.

    Also, they're just clothes. They're completely replaceable. Nearly all of them have a built-in obsolescence. Even if you do end up fitting in them again (you won't, but even so), many of them would look very slightly out of date in just a few years, and you'd be wishing for something newer.