MRC Vote of Confidence...

  • This is my first time reading this forum and I have to thank everyone for the support and confidence.

    I originally joined early 2008 and after my 21 yr old sister was terminal (kidney failure) and passed I fell off program due to the emotional havoc. Finally in November after I gained back triple the weight I lost, I finally was down 27 pounds the end of January! The last 3 weeks I have been in a huge rut…I am very susceptible to emotional eating. 10lbs at a time is all it takes…We all can do this! Thank you for the sincere support and tips/tricks to succeed!
  • I really hate to hear of your loss. I can only imagine what your mind and body are going through during this time. My sister is my best friend. She is the one helping through my weight loss. Along with all the wonderful people on here too! If you ever need anyone to talk to, drop me a line, I would love to hear from you! It is great to hear you are back and back on your life change for the better. Hang in there and you can do it. Huggers!