Why can't I just do it? Ugh.

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  • Heather,

    I remember when you first started posting and it does look like you have made progress although it may not be as much as you've wanted. Losing weight is hard, maintaining a weight loss is hard. You have kept 50 lbs off and that is something to be proud of.

    My suggestion would be start counting calories just to see where you are at and then work on improving that. Also work on doing some exercise regularly. Fitday.com is free for counting calories and walking is free is as well although good walking shoes help. Also keep posting
  • Thanks guys! I think I just needed a boost. When things start to go south for me, I tend to shut myself away from everything. I had a miscarriage in 2007 and then after that, I didn't care much about anything and that's when I gained the bulk of that weight. I was a mess and I just shut people out because whenever I started talking about the miscarriage people would get weird on me. I'm trying to tell myself that kids are not in my future and trying to focus on me for now (and maybe the kids thing will work itself out in the interim)

    I'm already well on my way today and have 48oz of water so far!
  • Hey--also wanted to mention the non-scale victories prescribed by WW. I am not in WW but think the non-scale victories are awesome. Maybe someone else can linky them for us--or just Google!