HELP! I need something new to do!

  • Ok I have been at this for several weeks and as expected my weight loss has slowed down. However I can now do more things and not get so wore out.

    For all of Jan my routine has been this

    Mon, Wed, Fri- C25k (I have adjust the plan some, I do a short run on Mon and Wed about 1 mile and I do 2 miles on Fri. This works for me since my neighborhood is so hilly)
    Tues, Thurs, Sat - 25 min Kettlebell workout (this goes get your heart rate going)

    I am ready to move on to doing a little more since these do not take so long, however I do not have the funds to join a gym right now. I am planning on purchasing a stationary bike in March and in April I can start swimming in my pool. I also hate excerise videos, I did the WATP (which I liked) but I have not found anything else I really like.

    So my question is what can I do right now to change things up and hopeful boost some weight loss?
  • i've never really thought yoga could be a good aerobic workout (it seemed like to much stretching and breathing funny), but i bought a DVD and it kicked my butt. if you're not a fan of tapes, maybe find a gym and see what classes they offer? i know some have ribbon dancing, workouts with balance balls, or even belly dancing (which is great for your core.)
  • Thanks I might give that a try, I can not afford a gym right now. I have 4 kids who all love to exercise so they might like that too.

    Any other ideas for me?
  • There's a lot of stuff you can do at home. When it's too cold or snowy to go to the gym sometimes I'll make my own home circuit training center. I'll do 4-5 exercises in a row, rest a minute, and then do that 2 more times:

    50 jumping jacks
    15 lunges on each leg
    10 push-ups
    10 jumping squats
    30 second plank

    Then I rest for like three minutes and then add another set of 4-5 exercises and do them 3 times.

    20 dips
    15 side lunges on each leg
    50 of those bicycle crunches
    10 bulgarian squats per leg
    30 second side planks

    There are plenty of exercises you can do with no equipment at home, I just choose about 9 or 10 to do, split them up by upper and lower body, and then do them in a row so that my heart really gets going. By the third set I just do all of my reps to failure, which is always less than the first two sets.

    Good luck!
  • This is similar to what I do with the kettlebells.

    Overhead Press 15
    Single Arm Press 15
    Squat 15
    Swing 20
    One arm swing 10
    Clean 15

    I love doing this but I need something new and exciting!

    I have been thinking about a dance video, has anyone ever tried one? I am afraid I would not be able to keep up the moves.LOL

    BTW Eves How long did it take you to get were you are weight wise? I lost 98lbs several yrs ago and it only took me 11 months. I am having a hard time this time.
  • Are you doing it circuit training style? No rest between sets? It's hard and your heart really gets going.

    I also can't do videos for exercise, it looks like I spaz out in front of the tv and nothing happens.

    The other thing I can suggest is for cardio, since I can't think of anything to make kettle bells or body weight exercises more exciting, try slowly switching to HIIT. Find a nice flat spot about 40 - 50 yards long in your area. Warm up for like 5 minutes, then sprint as fast as you can for the 40-50 yards, then walk briskly back. Do that again a couple of times and try to build up to 20 minutes of HIIT with 5 minutes of warm up and 5 of cool down.

    The bulk of my weight I lost over 6 months a little more than a year ago, then I moved back to the States and it's been up and down, with each down going a bit lower, which is good. How are you food wise? Maybe that's what is holding you back.
  • Thanks this sounds like something I might like to try. I try to stick with something for a month to see how it does for me.

    Yes I am no resting when I do the kettlebell, after I throw in abot 15 mins of arobic type excerise to keep my heart rate up.
  • theres a good dance video that keeps moving and has some up beat music. its a little confusing to beginners, but after a few times you'll get it down.. i did the warm up twice yesterday, and half of the main cardio work out before i felt like i couldnt walk hehe... its alot of fun.
    the video is "Ministry Of Sound Pump It Up - The Ultimate Dance Workout"
    i think its for rent at block buster, or i can get you the download links.