Any Heart By-Pass Patients Here?

  • I was wondering if there were others here that have heart by-pass surgery.. and if you have trouble losing weight and what you are doing to keep healthy.

    I had a quad by-pass and lost some heart function... Anyone else out there with heart issues?

  • Hi Cat,

    Check out the CHIP... Cardiac Health Improvement Program in my blog. It is especially for people such as yourself. We have a gentlemen in our class who has just had by pass surgery and is doing great! Hope you are doing better. Congrats on your 10lbs loss!
  • Thanks... I had my by-pass a little over 9 years ago.. I found that if I just keep moving and stay away from some of those meals at church, I can keep my weight managable.. but this fall, ugh... too many functions and too many fantastic cooks.... I spiraled totally out of control...

    I don't think we have any of those meetings anywhere near us. We live in the deep deep woods of Tennessee... but I will continue in my researching..
