Weekly Activity

  • Each week I will edit this top post to include our weekly activity!

    Since I'm just taking over, its gonna be an easy one!

    Week 5 (the week of February 15th to February 22nd) activity: This week our challenge is to do 30 minutes extra of cardio each day!

    * This activity is worth 5 points. It is your challenge to do it, however many times you can during the week to earn points for your team & stay active! When it comes time to weigh in again (1st-3rd is our next weigh in period), please include how many times you completed the activity in your weigh in post in your team's weigh in thread! REMEMBER: These activities & points stuff is just for fun! If you can't or don't want to, you don't have to do them. Just make sure you weigh in when its time & don't forget to check in with your team & post in the chat thread once in a while, so we know you're still here!