Today is the day- I take a stand

  • So sometimes I'll start feeling sorry for myself. Thinking of everything in my life I don't like and replay the millions of mistakes I have made and my life would be so different. I'll think of all the bad things in my life and focus on the bad. Why do I do this?

    Well... no more! There will be thousands of things that will happen in this world that I have no control over so why let it get me down? What can I control today? I can control how I act. What I can do to better myself. How I treat others. How I respond today.

    I will and am becoming a better person. Body, soul and mind...

    I can't be weighed down with how others perceive me or even the expectations that they put on me. I can only be me, that's who I am. I think sometimes I think that losing weight and getting to my goal will instantly make me happy. I know that will not be the case. I need to learn to love myself and be content with who I am now but still remaining focused on my goal of getting healthier.

    Sorry to vent..... but I just had to put out how I was feeling. I take a positive stand today for me....

    Who's with me?
  • I'm with you!!! Good for you for taking a stand.

    sometimes I feel sorry for myself over little things but then I stand back and realize that my life is pretty great. Thank you for the reminder.
  • Quote: sometimes I think that losing weight and getting to my goal will instantly make me happy.
    i have those same thoughts. like every facet in my life will be better if i could just be thin and fit.
  • Girl I am definitely with you on that!! Good for you mama
  • Quote:
    I think sometimes I think that losing weight and getting to my goal will instantly make me happy
    I too have that thought at times It's funny if you actually think about it.....

    I'm with you!