What are we really hungry for? Exercise 67,68, & 69

  • What are we really hungry for?
    The Non-Diet Approach, May 12, 2002

    Lose weight without dieting? HOW?!?!

    By getting to the root of why you overeat in the first place! "Why Weight," written by Geneen Roth, is a non-diet book that contains exercises designed to help compulsive eaters learn how to stop using food as a substitute for handling difficult emotions or situations. You'll also learn how to enjoy eating and still lose weight naturally. This program offers reassuring guidelines on:

    -- kicking the scale-watching habit forever
    -- learning to say no
    -- discovering other pleasures besides food
    -- learning the difference between physical and emotional hunger
    -- listening to and trusting your body's hunger and fullness signals

    Each week at least one exercise will be posted and you are encouraged to share your answers, thoughts, etc..

    Please share any insight, ideas, articles or other information that you may have.

    Join us in Breaking Free from Compulsive Eating!
  • Exercise 67: Judging Yourself

    What do you judge (negatively) about yourself? Make a list.

    Exercise 68: My Most Unforgivable Thoughts/Actions

    What is so terrible about you that you feel in constant need of judgment? What have you thought, felt, done, that is unforgivable?

    Ex: I thought about killing my brother when he was younger.

    My most unforgivable thought/action-feelings are:


    Read each of them aloud. After each one, say, “I forgive you” to yourself. Do this once a day for a week or so as long as it feels healing.

    Exercise 69: A Life Without Judgment
    What would happen, what would you do, how would you act if you stopped judging yourself today?
  • Okay, I'll go first ...
    Exercise 67: Judging Yourself: What do you judge (negatively) about yourself? Make a list:[This would take too long, in the existential sense. In the somatic sense, I think I need to lose 30 pounds, work on posture and I wish my hair would stay in place. Hmmm. My nose is too big; my forearms too skinny; my chin has the configuration to become a "double" and flabs out when I don't do my daily chin tucks; my veins are too varicose, my triceps too jiggly (I have good biceps, though; that's a comfort). There's more, but I'll let it slide.

    Exercise 68: My Most Unforgivable Thoughts/Actions: In all honesty, I don't think any unforgivable thoughts or do any unforgivable actions.

    What is so terrible about you that you feel in constant need of judgment? Nothing. I'm not terrible; I'm a good person. When anyone tries to judge me, I tell them they are not correct. However, in the health department, I could do lots better! I guess you could say that I'm constantly judging myself there. People that I know think I'm nuts to constantly journal each mouthful, worry about every calorie and think it's recreation to create ever better diet spreadsheets.

    What have you thought, felt, done, that is unforgivable?Nothing. I'm a straight-and-narrow kind of crone. But in the sense of health, gaining too much weight, while forgivable, wasn't really a good idea. I am also often blaming myself for being so depressive and negative, but I'm working on that. (See the Daily Affirmations thread and come join the Pollyanna League if you wanna, LLB!

    Read each of them aloud. After each one, say, “I forgive you” to yourself. Do this once a day for a week or so as long as it feels healing. This is an interesting exercise, but I have no problem forgiving myself or other people (a few exceptions to that second statement, but that's another story).

    Exercise 69: A Life Without Judgment. What would happen, what would you do, how would you act if you stopped judging yourself today? Ummm! Actually if I totally did that today I would never get the three papers done I need to finish for school. I do need to judge myself for the evil procrastinator that I am in that regard. And if I stopped judging myself as having bad eating habits and a lack of abililty to resist stress without resorting to trigger foods (aka dulce de leche, slimfast, ice cream, candy, cake, pie, etc.), I am fairly certain I'd gain even more weight than I recently have.