How often do you weigh yourself?

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  • Quote: I weigh every day. That's too often. But, I'm crazy!
    i'm the same way but i also don't get upset if its up or down...if its not moving or down i tend to drink alot more water or look at what i'm eating to see what caused it
  • try to only once a week but usually it's every couple of days ~
  • Every day. Then I don't freak on the days I'm higher...because I realize how much it fluctuates.

    Works for me!
  • Quote: Every day. Then I don't freak on the days I'm higher...because I realize how much it fluctuates.
    Exactly my approach I just laugh when it says I gained 4 lbs overnight (or lost them) because I know that's just water and circumstances (like the uneven floor in my BR).
  • I weigh myself everyday because I like to see it go down. I know it changes by the day though so if it's up rather than down, I just hope to see a lower number the next day. I used to weigh everyday and then take the average for the week but I haven't done that in a while.
  • Once a week, usually on Saturday.
  • It seems to me that "they" use to say to weigh yourself less frequently and now "they " say that you should weight yourself daily so that you don't let things get too out of control before reining yourself back in. I usually do weight myself daily but like someone else said, sometimes I avoid the scale if I know it will be up that day from my poor dining habits the day or so before.
  • Don't have a scale.. been using my tape measure around my waist.. Need to get a scale one of these days.. Usually only weigh myself when in a store or doctors office..
  • Every single morning after first potty. I experiment a lot so I need to check my weight everyday.
  • Our scale in the basement by the elliptical, so when I use the elliptical, I weigh myself. However, once a week I add it to my exercise tracker. The days in between are a guide, but I do not worry about them.
  • I'm going to make this a sticky in the FAQ since it has to be one of the most frequently asked questions on the board!
  • Most days. I am pregnant so I go by what the dr says.
  • Daily
    I weigh myself everyday. I know what pair of jeans will make that weight higher and which will make it lower, so everyone Monday, I put on the same pair of jeans and that is my official weight. I like to weigh in the morning and at night, too, just to see how much "weight" I put on in the course of the day. "It's an obsession...It's my obsession..what do you want me to do ..." do you remember that song from the 1980's? LOL! I always sing that part to myself when I'm on the scale. I'm such a crack!
  • I usually weigh myself once a week...Sunday. But I am trying to challenge myself and not weigh for two weeks or a month (if I have enough will power).
  • every other day...just to keep tabs. Sometimes, when I am not sure if something I ate agrees with me SBD wise, I do every day.