Spring PANTS challenge...

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  • Hey Ladies,
    The Pants challenge is still on...just not an every week type of challenge.
    Let's get those pants out on Feb. 1st and see how it's going!!!
  • Hi,

    What is this challenge about?

  • This is a challenge to move down in pants size by spring. I have pull on stretch denim pants that fit, stretch zip pants that go on but the exploding bagel top means not for public display (yet) and a pair of regular denim pants that I can't even get up over my thighs and butt......so

    for all any of you ladies that have a pair or two of pants in your closet that "I'm saving for when I lose weight" this is your challenge....but if you don't going shopping for a smaller size works too!

    It's one of the non-scale victories that isn't anything close to "instant gratification" type of things. It helps me to focus that this WOE is long term not just a day or week or a month.

    Join us if you think it will help you stay motivated.
  • OK - I'll have to go buy a pair - good thing everything is on sale. OK, so after I buy my too-tight pants, where is the thread to communicate & when/where do we check in with our progress?
  • We'll check back in on Feb. 1st and see whats happening with everybody.....
  • On this 50+ Forum?
  • yes!
  • Well, I have a closet full of 16's that I want to wear in the Spring, so count me in!!
  • I like the idea of this challenge so count me in. I have a pair of jeans hanging on the back side of my bathroom door calling my name! I think it's going to take about 15 pounds.
    I have set mini goals with my exercise. I started out swimming 15 min. at a time and I am up to 25 min stretches. Before swimming I ride the stationary bike for 15 min. and work with free weight for about 15 min. So far with my schedule I'm able to do this only twice a week. I need to add two more days and I need to work on my diet. I try to eat healthy but with my busy schedule ( I work 3 jobs and babysit my granddaughter) I give in to "EASY & QUICK" too often. I keep telling myself - one step at a time!
    I would love to hear your goals and how you are getting there.
    I'm off to do some housework and then to work for a few hours. Have a great day!
  • I have my skinny jeans hanging there, looking at me.
  • hello there
    Hi ladies,
    I am quite new (3 days) to 3FC and have just joined the 50+ group.
    The Spring Pants Challenge really appeals to me, one of the reasons I finally got on the stick to do something about my weight is that, having had weight issues since puberty, I finally got fed up recently with never being able to get into the clothes I would like to wear.
    So this is a great motivator.
    Count me in!
  • Welcome everyone,
    I hope this helps us focus on a "long term" non-scale victory LTNSV<----ha!
    I tend to get focused on the scale and lose site of reality.
    1. The reality that I didn't become obese over night so nothing magical is going to happen in one month.
    2. At the age of 50 it's going to take a bit longer to reach goal.
    3. There is no magical pill, food, web site etc. that will allow weight loss. It takes less calories in and more exercise.

    and I it's motivating to think about fitting into the pants!

    ONWARD and DOWNWARD all you losers!
  • I am new to this site.......and yessssss i have smaller pants...and a need for change
  • OK - I bought my "too-tight" pants - size 12 petite. On sale at Talbott's. When do we next try them on?
  • We shall try them on the first of each month.....so everybody post on Feb. 1st........