Wintery Wednesday Chat

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  • Wow,this NEVER happens. I think I've started the daily chat once before. I'm having a hard time sleeping with this cold, so finally gave up and decided to make some tea and start the day. I also just remembered that my new living room furniture is supposed to arrive this week, so hopefully I'll hear something today. How is Wednesday shaping up for everyone? I've got some orange spice ready for anyone that would like a cup. I'm keeping my to-do list short today so I can take it kind of easy. A load of laundry, put some butternut squash soup in the crockpot, work from home, and DD has basketball practice tonight.
  • at Early Chick Schmoodle. My coffee is much appreciated this morning because it's pretty frosty outside. I just threw another piece of wood into the stove which held overnight and it's toasty warm in here.

    Not sure what today will bring but it's going to happen inside as it's way below 0º outdoors. The dogs did a really quick potty.
  • I am in chills just thinking about it Ruth (or maybe that's the cold). I'll stop whining about how cold it is here.
  • Good morning, you two, and to all to come.

    We're preparing for a deep freeze here, too, but not quite as frigid as in your parts, Ruth. I just have a hard time taking this weather anymore! Stay warm, surrounded by your loved ones on this special day!

    Schmoodle, it's good to see you here so early! That's pretty exciting to get new livingroom furniture! We bought a new livingroom set 2 years ago, and I still am delighted with it! I have some butternut nut squash in the fridge and was trying to decide what to do with it. Maybe make "fries" with it, I'm kinda tired of soup just now.

    I'm trying to get some laundry done before heading to work. The girls are feeling better, so I guess they'll be going to gymnastics this afternoon. I'm hoping to run to the library while they're there.

    Stay warm and safe, Beachies!
  • Good morning icicle Chicks

    Schmoodle - Sounds like a fun and full day. Enjoy the new furniture!

    Ruth - we are getting the cold the next few days but it's still a heat wave compared to your temps. Enjoy your special day

    Cottage - I'm with you on this darned weather. I work and live in old, poorly insulated buildings so it gets chilly in spots. Enjoy your day.

    I've got a late day today, something that's become a rarity in my life. I'm covering a workshop for a coworker tonight and the presenter seems to be high maintenance (she's new) so I need to hang around for the whole class. Luckily the building probably has wireless so I can bring my laptop.

    I'm seriously thinking about just calling my weight at goal and keeping my focus on fitness (and muscles - I've discovered I like muscles!). It's been in the same place since late July give or take a few bad weeks, it's the third reset of my goal, and frankly I just don't feel like cutting back as much as I need to to get those last three lbs off. I can always revisit the decision but I don't seem to have the weight loss motivation anymore and my body seems pretty happy where it is.

    Stay warm and toasty today
  • Good morning chicks!

    Schmoodle - Hope you start feeling better !

    Ruth - Hmmm...the temp on desktop was 9 when I got on an hour ago, now it's 7 degrees.....I'm hoping it stops soon!

    Cottage - have a good day at work today!

    Cyndi - Girl, in your pics, you are CUT!! From what I've seen, and how much you exercise...I think you're right. Have you had your body fat done? It's probably stunningly low!

    Me - wellllll, I think we're going to make an offer on the house (you're the first to know!). Our property manager called and confirmed our renters are staying another 16 months. It is scary and exciting!!

    Until that happens, it's off to work with a full schedule.

    Have a great one!
  • Good Morning! I can only stay a second. Have to take DS to school in 5 minutes. He's fiddle-farting over his Cheerios. Sheesh!

    Something exciting -- I'm in the 180s!!! WooHooo!!!!

    Have a FAB day!
  • It's non-stop here, everyone was awake by 7 and that usually doesn't happen. Today I am going grocery shopping and I WILL make good choices!

    Happy Birthday Ruth!

    I will be back when I get some free time (hahaha!)
  • Frosty AM!!! I didn't want to take my coat and hat off at work! But I figured I should stay a while My coffee was w/splenda ff 1/2&1/2 and vanilla extract! YUMMY
    yesterday I got Paul McKennas I can make you thin and listened to the cd. . .we'll see if it helps but boy I was relaxed!
    Twyn thats so exciting!
    Chelb That feels great congrats
    Cyn you are one Buff Chiquita!! I think goal is yours!
    hi Cottage!! I'm with you in the deep Freeze
    Have a cozy wonderful Bday Ruth!!
    Schmoo! I love Orange Spice and *cough* Snape Snape Severus Snape
    Ok I have to get my buns in gear! hope to bbiab!
  • Good morning all!!! Happy Wednesday!

    Schmoodle - I hope you take it easy today and feel better soon. Colds are seriously no fun. Enjoy your new furniture.

    Ruth - Below 0* is completely incomprehensible. I simply cannot wrap my brain around that kind of temp. I hope you and your furbabies are able to stay warm and toasty today. And btw......HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

    Cottage - Good morning!! Hope you are able to get your laundry done this morning!

    Cyndi - Hey there......hopefully tonight's presentation won't be too insufferable. I think you're right about your weight. First, you need to listen to your body, and secondly, I think we choose goal weights because they are a round number.....who says that our weight has to end in a 5 or 0. Do what you think is best for yourself. And remember that you already look fantastic!!!

    Twynnb - Congratulations!!! That's exciting news about the house. I hope it all works out well!!!!!

    Chelby -

    Flmom - You've made your resolve for the get to it!!!!

    KO - Enjoy your coffee!!!

    Me - Today I've got a Dr.'s appointment with a fertility specialist. I'm excited but concerned at the same time. DH asked last night what I expect....and I really have no ideas. I don't know what we're in for. I'm seriously anxious. Regardless, I'm sure it will be a long process....
    I wasn't able to watch Biggest Loser last night as I watch American Idol...I plan to get to Biggest Loser tonight. I'm hoping it's good. Other than that, I've got to get some of the Christmas decorations down....(I know.....I should have done it a while ago, but usually we have an after Christmas Gift Exchange party, so I was waiting to see if that would happen....but there's no time in our schedule this month. So it's finally time to take them down). to get moving!!!
    Have a lovely day, ladies! BLESSINGS!!!
  • Morning, everyone! How's your Wednesday so far?

    Schmoodle: You were up early!! I hope you have a nice, easy-going day as you've planned. It sounds like you need some relaxing after last night's cold sleep! Stay warm today!

    Ruth: I'm glad the heater held and you and the doggage are toasty-warm! I hope you have a stay-inside day planned. I'm fairly certain I would be a HUGE baby about the cold if I were where you are!

    Cottage: I hope you and the girls stay warm as well. You'll have to share your method for butternut squash "fries". It's on sale this week and I thought I might pick quite a bit up.

    Cyndi: Yuck. Don't think I'd want to deal with a high-maintenance presenter even with internet! I hope it goes well! I think your plan for shifting your goal weight to what it is now is pretty sound. I know you're a disciplined eater and exerciser, so I can only imagine that your body is where it's supposed to be weight-wise.

    Twynn: CONGRATULATIONS! That is so exciting! Please let us know how it goes!

    Chelby: Congrats on getting to the 180's! That's AWESOME!

    fl_mom: That's a great attitude to have and you'll have a great day because of it!

    Kierie: I'm going to check into Paul McKenna's book today. I got an email for it from Barnes and Noble a few days ago. I really enjoyed his program when it was on tv. I didn't know there was a cd. Is it a meditation-type one?

    Heather: Good luck today at the fertility specialist's. I hope they have the answers you and your DH have been looking for.

    Me: I'm having a pretty good week so far. We've been really busy at work and I've been waking up late, so I haven't had time to post. I'm trying to get myself and 3 of my staff prepared for our Level 3 state exam, which is in February, and it's a lot. I'm practically having to do lesson plans and pop quizzes! It's a lot on my shoulders because I feel like it will be partially my fault if they fail. Sigh.

    Tonight I will officially be through two weeks of DH's program! That's really exciting. My exercise and eating have been 100% OP and he's pretty chuffed about it. The only thing we had a disagreement on was the scale. I was weighing myself every morning and he finally took it and hid it. I'm not allowed to use it until Friday.

    Well, tonight for dinner is some sausage and lentil soup. Last time we had it, I made a double-batch and froze the extra, so all I have to do is add the lentils and let them cook and we'll be good to go. Other than that, the only thing planned tonight is for me to watch Juno while DH watches a Spurs game. I like the sound of that!!
  • Kim I really enjoyed Juno The characters were awesome
    as for the CD it's Hypnosis which I was a little suspect of but I listened to it last night and this morning and felt totally relaxed (I'm an on person so this was a total gift) and energized
    He has the whole eat whatever you want perspective which I think I'm just going to eat whats appealing and ph 2 legal
    With how busy you are it sounds like you could use some relaxation too!
    Hmac I'm so coming to your house for dinner!
    Could you share the greek meatball recipe?
  • You guys suffering through that cold weather are brave - I could not do it guess thats why i live in Florida.

    I'm hopin I can get some prayers from you guys - I found out lastnite the baby girl we are trying to adopt is in the hospital and not doing good. Thank you in advance.

    Happy Birthday Ruth!!!!
  • Gonnabe -- You and Baby Girl are in my prayers.
  • Short post for me today, I went home sick yesterday which has never happened, back at work today and just achy and very little energy. I guess my griping yesterday about feeling miserable wasn't due to the added weight. It still needs to come off though.

    Heather good luck at the doctors today.

    Gonna many prayers for you and the baby.

    Ruth Happy Birthday!

    We are supposed to get the cold tonight, brrrrrr.

    Hope you all have a great day.