Anyone had face/chin/jowl liposuction?

  • I am getting closer and closer to my goal weight. My double chin isn't getting any smaller, in fact, it is making me look about 20lbs heavier than I really am. Even with weight loss it isn't going away, and I want it GONE!

    So, to those of you who've had surgery in that area, what can I expect as far as cost? I'd like to know so I can save up .

    Also, what can I expect as far as pain, healing time, and what are the downsides of having this surgery?

  • Did you read Meg's Sticky?
  • Hi lovediet..I had what is known as a 'Week-End Lift' because I didn't like my neck or jowls..

    I had only a little Lipo to put a bit of fat under my chin so I wouldn't look so tightly drawn.

    It cost well over $8,000.00 and I didn't have a face lift...just neck and jowls..I had this done over 3 years ago and people I haven't seen for years can't believe how young I look ... I guess the Neck is the first place of aging.

    I'd do it again... now I'm saving for a TummyTuck and BoobLift.

    Good Luck on whatever you decide.
