Night Cravings

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  • AM I THE ONLY PERSON ON THE PLANET WHO CRAVES BAD FOODS AFTER EATING HOURS???? I do so well during the day but when night time hits- BAM I'm ready for sweets! Help me!
  • I'm with you. I alternate between sweet and salty. I try and fill up on water in the evening or health food like fruit. A good trick it take an apple, slice it, add one packet of splenda and a pinch of cinnimon and heat. It taste like apple pie filling.
  • I thinks the best way to deal with that is to not temp yourself. Try to only have healthy snacks in the house, that way when you have those cravings you either eat a healthy snack, or you might just not eat anything since there is no junkfood to satisfy the craving.
  • im with u. sometimes i give in, but if i have green tea in the house. i drink that and that helps me. or i workout and think "do i really need this" n that helps. i have to try that recipe that sounds goooood
  • I leave at LEAST 100 - 200 calories for my night cravings. Sometimes I use them, sometimes I don't....

    Like tonight I was super munchie and got 2 packs of 100 calorie popcorn by pop secret....but since I ate those now I gotta suck it up and drink water and chewing my gum.

    Tea always works for me too because it's warm, filling and comforting!
  • I just posted my introduction asking if anyone else went through this or if I was the only one! I am ALWAYS craving sweets around 1am-5am! I just can't seem to kick the habit!
  • This is going to be so hard for me to stop. I did not realize how much of a night eater that I am until today. It dawned on me, I totally see my problem and dag-on-it I am going to regain control of this! I did fine all day today and like, as soon as the sun went night night, I went food crazy!
  • right now.. i didn't have any dinner .. the only thing i was is a HUGE sonic burger.. thank god its too late to go out ! LOL
  • popcorn is good. also 100 cal bars if you really need something. It's all about limits and will power. It all depends on how you're feeling. IF youfeel like you can ignore it and work out instead AWESOME!! if not, and you've been pretty good, treat yourself.
  • yes this happens to the best of us. Find some distractions. Take a short walk. Find something to do around the house.

    I have a rule that if I have a craving, I have to wait 15 minutes, If I still feel hungry, I can have a small portion. 9 times out of 10 the craving is gone after 15 minutes.

    Have plenty of fruit and vegetables conveniently laying around!
  • This is definately my biggest challenge! Its such a relief to see I'm not a big freak for craving foods at odd times. One thing that I find helps me is to have some good warm tea, especially peppermint. This works for me because I think about how wierd things would taste combined with that lovely peppermint. Its kind of like trying to eat right after brushing your teeth. Plus, who doesn't love tea? Yum!
  • haha...This happens to me often!!! I am the QUEEN of chocolate and potato chip cravings... I allow myself 2 pieces of chocolate a day (organic) and I dont have potato chips but the craving for those has subsided since I eat so many veggies during the day and actually allow myself some potatoes...not fried or with any butter/sour cream/etc...but with this butter spray and dried chives....yummmmmm screw tater chips
  • While I hate to be an advertisement, chewing sugarless gum really does help. A lot.
  • I have this! I always crave pizza really late at night - like when I was in first year at uni, my friend and I used to wander out into town at maybe 2-3am and get pizza - probably the reason I got as big as I am today!

    But I'm really trying to get over it now, like right now I'm hungry, but I'm not going to have anything!
  • Some good tips here. One thing I'm waiting to try. I heard that sucking on an atomic fireball will satisfy your cravings because it's sweet and hot and spicy, but it's a jawbreaker, so you can't chew it up, and you can't get much sugar out of it (it's hard to hold in your mouth for very long too, because it's so hot). I was going to order some in December, but had my mail turned off because of snow, and my niece just e-mailed me and said she is sending me a few (she found some in Portland) so I can try them before placing an order on-line. I will let you know when I get them how they work. I've been trying to use cinammon sugarless gum, but it loses it's flavor too fast and I really am not fond of chewing gum.

    I also drink tea at night...a huge pot of it. I don't care much for green tea, but i mix one bag of green with one bag of black (because they are one of the super foods that helps your metabolism). I add a little bit of vanilla rice milk (slightly sweet) to mellow the flavor, but today I tried lemon and I like it better that way.

    And whoever said veggies...yes yes yes. You should always have raw veggies prepped and ready to nibble on when you have a craving. I allow myself all teh celery sticks I can eat (which is not much before I'm tired of them) when I feel I just have to have something.

    And my last trick, is telling myself that it is good to be feeling hungry, because that means I'm losing weight. Instead of feeling sorry for myself for being hungry and having to punish myself, I praise myself for being hungry...I use positive self-talk to make it a good thing instead of a bad thing. I can't tell you how much this helps me...I just have to remember it and focus on it when I get those hunger pangs.