after action report

  • I lost 4 lbs. this week. Here's what I did well and not so well:

    Good stuff:
    1. I tracked every single thing that went in my mouth, down to the 2 tsp. of half-and-half in my coffee every morning.
    2. I ate breakfast at home every day instead of hitting the drive-thru like I normally do.
    3. I brown-bagged it to work every day.
    4. I packed healthy snacks and kept to a regular eating schedule.
    5. I took my multivitamin every day.

    Things I didn't do so well:
    1. I didn't exercise.
    2. I didn't always get 8 glasses of water a day. (I averaged about 5.)
    3. I didn't always get 5 fruits and veg a day. (I averaged 4.)

    Ways I plan to fix my not-so-goods:
    1. Walk at least 15 minutes per day every day this week.
    2. Take a bottle of water to work with me (I teach and I can't drink out of the nasty water fountains!)
    3. Eat a plain green salad with dinner whenever possible.
  • wow it sounds like you did wonderful congratulations on the weight loss its great to see that you are so realistic with yourself... I need to work on that aspect of things wish me luck
  • Jennelle,

    You did great! You made wonderful changes. It is hard to make all your changes at once. Be patience with yourself and keep going!

  • One foot in front of the other. That's what it takes. You are doing great! Don't beat yourself up too hard about the goals you didn't reach this week. You'll get them next time!
  • That's a great analysis, I think that skill and attitude will serve you well
  • Jennelle, that's fantastic. Don't obsess about the water thing, its been debunked. You get liquids lots of ways. If it helps you to drink 8 glasses then great, but there is nothing magic about it.

    Keep to your plan. The eating breakfast at home is something I find to be a key.
  • I dunno, Pandora--I seem to do better when I get a lot of water in me....

    Jennelle, well done!!
  • YEAH! Keep it up girlfriend! Don't knock yourself for the things you didn't do - focus on the things you did do! 4 lbs is great!