Exercising while pregnant

  • I am at 12 weeks and had been riding my recumbent bike fairly regularly. I quit for a few weeks there when I was just too fatigued from the pregnancy. Now that I am starting to get my energy back I am back on the bike.

    I was wondering if there are any moms out there that can recommend some exercises that they found made the pregnancy or labor/delivery easier. Any suggestions would be very welcome. Thanks.
  • Hi Jen!

    First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy--that's very exciting!

    You may want to go to the Oxycise! website http://www.oxycise.com . It's a great aerobic breathing program that combines isotonic/isometric exercises and can be done in 15 minutes a day. It can also be done during pregnancy. You may want to read the FAQ section, specifically, http://www.oxycise.com/FAQ/questions.htm#Oxycise! and Pregnancy . I haven't personally used Oxycise! during a pregnancy but the creator of Oxycise!, Jill Johnson, did during her fourth pregnancy. You may be pleasantly surprised to read about her experience in the FAQ URL above.

    Hope that helps, Jen.

    Susan R.

    P.S. If you're interested, I am Susan Robertson on the homepage.

    [This message has been edited by Susan_R._] (edited 02-25-2001).]
  • The general rule of thumb is not to start any new form of exercise while you are pregnant. Continue doing any exercise you are already doing consistently , but do not attempt to start something new.

    That said ... Be careful about the oxysize recommendation above. Oxycise is not considered a form of exercise by any of the mainstream fitness experts. While you are pregnant is not the time to start anything new, especially something that is not well accepted.

  • I wasn't really thinking about taking up anything new, I was thinking more in the way of stretches, walking, weight training that sort of thing. Did anyone find that something in particular helped them keep the weight gain in limits or helped with labor and delivery? I am already overweight and know that I shouldn't gain more than about 15 pounds. I've gained 3 so far and I know the next 6 months are going to be difficult. I'm concentrating not on food quantity so much as food quality. Anyway I wasn't planning on taking up anything new like running but was interested in what others did during pregnancy.
  • I was overweight when pregnant (40-50lbs), too, but I did mild exercises. I guess my primary form of exercise was walking, and I think that's a great way to go. I can't say that it necessarily helped my labors, though, because I had long labors with both (though my doctor figured it was probably due more to the larger size of my babies). I do know that I was better about walking consistently when pregnant with my second child and my recovery was very swift following that birth. One thing I'll caution you on, particularly as it might pertain to weight lifting and stretching is the natural "loosening" that occurs in your joints when you're pregnant. I was particularly loose in my hips and groin area and was very much prone to strains. As your pregnancy progresses, just go slow and listen to your body and you'll be fine. Congratulations, by the way and keep up the good work in making good food choices. I'm glad to hear your energy is returning!

    [This message has been edited by Rupertsmom (edited 02-27-2001).]
  • Quote:
    Originally posted by gsc4:
    The general rule of thumb is not to start any new form of exercise while you are pregnant. Continue doing any exercise you are already doing consistently, but do not attempt to start something new.

    That said ... Be careful about the oxysize recommendation above. Oxycise is not considered a form of exercise by any of the mainstream fitness experts. While you are pregnant is not the time to start anything new, especially something that is not well accepted.

    Hi gsc4, You're wise to be skeptical of things that are non-traditional. Many things out today aren't good for our bodies, so I truly appreciate where you're coming from and thank you for your honesty.

    Also, you're right that Oxycise! is not considered a form of exercise by most (I don't agree with the word "any") mainstream fitness experts. It is likely "not well accepted" because it is so non-traditional. Like so many other non-traditional concepts, it takes time for the concept to gain acceptance. (Just like those who believed the world is flat--it certainly looks that way when you stand on a beach and look out on the horizon--but we all know now that this is untrue.)

    Many articles and studies have been done on the benefits of deep breathing. Oxycise! is simply an aerobic/diaphragmatic breathing program combined with isotonic and isometric exercises. Aerobic simply means oxygen to the body, not running or jumping as most people believe. Oxycise! does not involve holding your breath.

    Here's what Oxycise! has said about doing their program during pregnancy:

    "Jill has personally used Oxycise! through a pregnancy and she said it was fantastic! She had four children, and the first three pregnancies were very hard on her body; she felt like she waddled everywhere. But she used the Oxycise! techniques during her fourth pregnancy. She said it was wonderful. She really felt great during the pregnancy, and stayed so firm that friends and acquaintances couldn't believe she went full term. She had the easiest, quickest delivery she had ever had. Not only that, but she could zip up her jeans again within a couple days after the birth. And of course, her beautiful baby was absolutely healthy.

    We DO recommend that you ask your doctor for his or her approval, just to be on the safe side. Everyone has different bodies, and on occasion there are those who have various problems with pregnancy.

    If you do not have a history of miscarriages, or other problems of pregnancy (other than gaining too much weight) then you should be fine lifting and tightening your abdominal area. In fact, by doing so, you can develop wonderful support muscles for that area, as well as getting toned and trim. This will help you avoid other possible problems with carrying your baby as you move into the last couple months.

    You might wish to adapt some of the body positions to make them more comfortable as you get farther along. The Oxycise! eating guidelines are also fine for pregnancy.

    Always use common sense and wisdom in what you do."

    Susan R.

    [This message has been edited by Susan_R._] (edited 02-28-2001).]
  • Susan,

    Is Oxycise the similar to that thing that Greer Childers peddles? Her video is worth buying simply for its comedic value. I never laughed so hard in my life as when I watched her grimacing while making seal-like barking noises as she gasped for air...Then I made the mistake of trying it ('cause I realize the earth isn't flat ) and just made myself nauseous.
  • Quote:
    Originally posted by Rupertsmom:

    Is Oxycise the similar to that thing that Greer Childers peddles? Her video is worth buying simply for its comedic value. I never laughed so hard in my life as when I watched her grimacing while making seal-like barking noises as she gasped for air...Then I made the mistake of trying it ('cause I realize the earth isn't flat ) and just made myself nauseous.
    Hi there! Yes and no. Oxycise! and Body Flex are both based on the same concept of diaphragmatic breathing combined with isotonic and isometric exercises. The techniques are different. The major difference is that you don't hold your breath with Oxycise! where you do with Body Flex and you don't have the "Pah" sounds. Having used both Body Flex and Oxycise!, I know what you mean about the noises and expressions, etc., that's one of the reasons I stopped doing it because my kids would laugh when I did it. Oxycise! is a much quieter and gentler breathing but still requires gusto. Also, Body Flex has to be done on an empty stomach which meant I was limited as to when I could do it, unlike Oxycise! I believe both products work very well and it's a personal choice which one you want to do. For me, it's Oxycise!

    Susan R.