Hi...I'm back

  • Hey there...I'm just checking in after a long disappearance. I was on this forum for several dedicated months, did great on Atkins. At that time I had lost 45lbs in 6 months without exercising!! This was 1 1/2 years ago. Then a year ago, in Dec '07 I became terribly ill. All the drs said was I have fibromyalgia. I fell off my diet as I was too weak and tired to cook and eat right. I also have hypothyroid. Amazing how a little gland can wreak such havoc on your body when not working right. I still have to go back for more tests. But, I've been feeling better and started back on my new way of eating last week.

    What's different this time??

    Regular exercising. I joined a gym and go 4 nights a week after work, plus I use my home total gym in the morning.

    No more diet drinks...at all. Now it's all water, and if need be to pick me up I'll drink some black coffee or unsweetened brewed iced tea at work.

    I will NOT give in to my once loved redi whip cravings as I did last time. God, I loved that stuff!!

    These may sound like little demands I put on myself, but it really does matter in determining how much and how fast I can lose this weight. The biggest hurdle I've gotten over was giving up my much loved carbs. I don't miss them tho thinking about all of the processed foods I was eating.

    Thanks for reading. I just wanted to say that I'm not a failure as I did drop out of this forum, but now I'm back and ready to do things right this time.

    Q: Does anyone else have fibromylgia while doing low carb??
  • Back !!

  • Hi all,

    I dug up this thread to say that I found some new yummies to eat. ....shell-less tacos or tacos with low carb tortillas. Just have to watch how much seasoning to put on, as there's carbs in it. I add just enough for taste. I also use green tomato taco sauce (there's a certain name for it, just can't think of it), of course cheese and a little bit of sour cream. It's a nice change.

    As for salad dressing, I discovered at my local giant eagle's herbal/organic section Ginger sesame vinagrette dressing. It's low carb too. Very good, will definitely wake up your taste buds, so use sparingly.

    I can't do eggs anymore...ate too many last time I was on atkins. Now, for breakfast I'll eat some fresh mozzarella with a little bit of basil, and of course olive oil.

    My appetite is almost none existant so I don't have to eat as much anymore to feel full.

    I haven't been able to go to the gym for a couple weeks....life happens....kids getting hurt or sick, or something goes wrong with mamma here. But, as soon as I'm feeling better, my butt's going back. I was really getting into it too, even bought my 1st mp3 player just for it, but then like I said....

    Water has become my best friend. Can't seem to get enough. However when I first get to work, I'll drink about 2 cups black coffee to keep me going as I work evenings. Then for the rest of the night, I drink what I call "pee water". Water with just a splash of unsweetened freshly brewed iced tea...just enough for flavor.

    well, I just wanted to check in as it's been awhile. Hope everyone's doing good!