30 by 2/19/09

  • Well, I am going on a trip with my family at the end of February. My short term goal is to lose at least 30 lbs before that trip. I only recently started to try to get healthy again. I quit smoking and have been non-smoking for 3 months...time to get my weight under control!!
  • most likely one of the experienced poster will respond, but briefly, I think 30 pounds in one month and a half is way too much. setting such high expectations can result in dissapointment if you don't achieve what you want. more realistic will be something along 10-12 pounds.
  • Congratulations on quiting smoking. That's a HUGE accomplishment. Sounds like you are really ready to have more success. I think 30 lbs. sounds like a lot too but it could be possible. Maybe set a range type goal of 20-30 lbs. which is still a big deal. Then, if you exceed the 20 lbs., you'll be proud to have not only made your goal, but surpassed it.

    I do that with exercise. The other day I set a goal of 30 minutes on the bike but set the timer for 45 minutes. I knew I had to make my minimum time (minutes 23-28 are always the hardest for me for some reason). Once I got to 30 minutes, I decided I'd go just 2 more, then I chose to go 3 more and managed to get all the way to the hoped for goal of 45 minutes. That last 15 minutes I was actually VERY motivated because I knew I was doing MORE than the goal and it was so empowering. If I'd set the 45 minutes (which is the max of what I'm fit to do right now), that last 15 minutes would have been sheer drudgery instead of the high I had of feeling so successful.

    It works with exercise and it works with pounds. We're always more motivated to continue to work hard when we feel like we're seeing positive results. If you aren't doing it already, find little things each day to pat yourself on the back about. Small successes.