Thank you!

  • I just wanted to thank everyone on this board. In the short time I have been here I have already learned so much about myself. I think joining this board might have saved my life. I really think God led me here. I appreciate all the support and advice so much. I hope as I continue in my journey I can inspire and help people the way that so many have already inspired and helped me.

    From the bottom of my heart thank you!!
  • Welcome and good luck !
  • Thank you!
  • That is exactly why I love it many people just supporting and helping one another. It's a really special site!
  • It really is special. I have never joined a weight loss site where I felt so supported!
  • I know exactly what you mean<3 I hope one day I'll be able to give such good advice to people on here, like others have done for me.
  • I am so thankful for this site, it's not even funny!!! It's so comforting knowing that there are so many people out there who understand the good things and bad things that go along with trying to get healthier
  • This really is a great site, so much support and none of the drama or snarkiness that I have seen with some other sites.
  • And we're glad to have you!
  • Aww thank you.
  • i'm thankful for this site too!
    it is a great place to be!
  • Yes!!! This site IS wonderful. To be able to converse back and forth with like minded people, ones who know EXACTLY what you're going through is a HUGE help in this long, often rocky journey. So much support and so much information. Priceless. Absolutely priceless.