20 somethings who South Beach?

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  • Sorry to hear some are not feeling too great Hope everyones feeling better tomorrow!!

    (Sorry for yelling! I am just so excited!)

    I never even asked him. He decided on his own! I know this is going to be SO MUCH easier with him on it too. I just love doing everything with him.

    Day 4-
    B- 2 eggs, 3 strips of bacon, milk,V8
    L- Peanuts
    S- peanuts (at movies)
    D- steak fajitas with cheese, gp, o, salad spinach/romaine
    S- 2 fudgesicles
  • That is great! It would be nice if my DH did it but at least he will eat most of the food I make.

    I think you should eat more vegetables!
  • I did okay today. I am seriously having a row with this though!
    I fudged for 2 ritz crackers and a graham cracker- it was snack time with my daughter and for some reason I just ate them without thinking. Anyway- I DID squeeze in 30DS during daughters nap, and ate well the rest of the day.

    And I agree- we all need to eat more veggies! My favorite right now is edamame but I guess that's not a veggie at all, now is it... hahaha!

    I am trying to have 1 salad a day- you can buy extra lean turkey breast in an unsliced block at the butchers block, I dice that up and sprinkle it over some romaine and spinach mixed and then toss in some walnuts and use a SB approved dressing. Yum! I also added a few craisins today and then realized they probably aren't on the plan too... I am fudging left and right but I am eating WAY less bad carbs and almost no sugars... slowly but surely I'll get this right!
  • Ugh, I was doing so good on p1. Woke up tonight feeling awful! I'm definitely getting a bad cold and all I want is chicken noodle soup and my bed! I'm gonna try and stay strong though.
  • Maybe you could have veggie soup instead?

    car- I had the same problem at first. It seems that I used to always pop a couple of DD's snacks into my mouth. I actually caught myself doing it one day and spit it out.

    Salads are great to have. If you try to eat 4-5 cups of veggies a day, not only is it good for you but you aren't really so hungry for the things that aren't OP.
  • Hey girls! I'm doing good as well except I woke up a pound heavier today! Grrr..... but I did do a lot of exercise yesterday so I'm sure that's it and I ate kinda late. Hopefully that's it.

    Q- I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

    Heather- That's awesome about your hubby!
  • carcar- Dont beat yourself up about little things...overall youre doing great and making a big change! You'll get the hang of it soon I'm sure!

    It took me almost a year to quit with just popping little pieces of the kids snacks in my mouth lol. And I more than once caught myself and spit it out too.

    Q- sorry youre still feeling bad Get lots of rest and if you need to, take a day off. Its not gonna kill you, just jump back on tomorrow!

    Heather- WOOT on DH doing it with you!!! It makes it SOOOOO much easier on me when DH does it too so theres nothing extra tempting me around the house!
  • HeatherMcG- Yay for DH joining in! woo hoo! My husband did it a year ago and has been very successful at maintaining his weight loss from it- it encouraged him to be more active too and now he runs almost every day (well, he did until this snow set in, as soon as it's gone he'll start up again!)

    QTestRDH- I hope you feel better soon! I do believe that chicken broth (low sodium?) is on phase 1- at least, I have been drinking it in the mornings and before bed when I'm feeling snacky. Also I think herbal teas are okay with some splenda? I may be wrong, I loaned out my book and haven't gotten it back yet so I'm going off of my (really horrible) memory right now. But good luck!! And if you have to take a day off I don't think it's the worst thing ever, but just do your best!

    Here we go again- good luck, i bet that one pound up will turn into a couple down in the next day or two, at least that's how it always works for me after a huge workout- the next day i'm up a pound or two and then next thing you know they are gone (and then some!) I'm excited you are so determined, as always such an inspiration!

    Yelie- Thanks, and honestly, today I feel more determined than ever. I think allowing myself to be human and to make mistakes the last few days has caused me to have more motivation than ever- I recognize now what my trouble areas are- snack time with DD, or before bed time when I'm feeling like I want to graze, etc. and so today I'm planning ahead. At her snack time, I'm going to have some salad (i like to eat it like finger food, without dressing,... is that weird? haha well it works for me) and some walnuts. If I have food there that is okay for me to eat, I won't pop her snacks out of habit.

    You girls are awesome. I think I was feeling really discouraged yesterday- I was doing so well with my weight loss, it was slow but I had lost almost 5 pounds and I had reached my lowest weight in a whole year, I had gotten under 170 (I was at 169, granted) and then I just lost control and now I'm back where I started (174.6 actually, this morning!). I just felt awful about myself and I think I started thinking that no matter what I do I'll always pop back up and get into the 170's and I started having those "this isn't worth it" kind of thoughts.

    But just coming here and seeing you girls being determined and working hard at this, and seeing your success and even your little slip ups, really changes my perspective. So thanks, I really really need you girls! It's insane what a real help you have all been. So... enough gushing. Just, thanks.
  • YAY week 1 Phase 1 is done, and i am down 7.6 lbs...I am finally starting to feel it too...I just feel so energized today. Hope next week is just as good...starting to add in exercise this week. i worked out one day last week but that was it...now I am going to do 5 days.
  • Good for you JB! I was actually 175 when I started on Saturday so it looks like I have lost .5 pound... haha nothing compared to you though You must be really diligent! go girl, go girl!
  • I weighed myself today and I've lost 4 pounds (I'm on day 4 of phase one, so it's water weight, but still)!

    Did anyone else get nagging but not particularly severe headaches on P1? I don't remember if I got them last time, and I'm not sure if it's carb withdrawal or caffeine withdrawal.

    Heather--That's awesome that your DH is doing it with you! My mother and I do it together and it's a lot easier with her around.

    Q--I hope you feel better! Tea is probably a good substitute for the 'comfort' chicken soup, and it's completely legal. I drink it like crazy with equal and a tiny bit of milk.

    Carcar--keep at it! It's totally worth it. And eating salad with your fingers isn't weird. Last night I wanted something crunchy so I opened a bag of lettuce and ate it like it was potato chips or something :-)
  • Tiny- I feel you girl. I had a taco bake last night and instead of chips I had crunchy romaine lettuce. It was so good!

    Car- Thanks girl, I hope it is just from working out. I won't let it get me down, if anything anger is my new motivation!
  • car- I totally know what you mean about thinking "why bother I'm always going to just come back to this weight". Argh, the lowest I have been since I really started trying is 158 and everytime I give it a try that is the absolute lowest I have gone. But I think a LOT of it has to do with the fact that I feel fairly comfortable around 160 (at least not completely disgusted with myself) so I'm not as diligent. NOT THIS TIME THOUGH! I'm totally recommited and know I can do it!! WE can do this!!

    On another note- I just tried plain yogurt with SF jello in it....YUM!! Tastes JUST like strawberry banana yogurt I love!! Why oh why did it take me this long to try it?! lol
  • tiny- sure did have the headaches! I also had the entire SBD flu!!!! lol... it wasn't pretty on day 1.