Oh I ate like a piggy!

  • Hey everyone, i read a lot of the posts here but generally lurk. I did really well over Christmas with eating healthily, and then today comes and I went and had myself a binge I haven't seen the likes of this in a long time, and I was doing so well! The worst part is that I was going shopping tomorrow for clothes during the big sales we have and I'm going to be all bloated!
  • I did too, you're not alone. I am freecycling sweet leftovers. Hope things get better for you!
  • well I'm looking on the bright side -- I DID overeat on Christmas Eve and Christmas day but at least I didn't do the eat-everything-in-sight thing from Thanksgiving to Christmas like I usually do!! Def 2 days of overeating is better than 4 weeks of it....

    Let's get right back on track....and not after the New Year, right now!

    Honestly I'm happier and enjoy eating much more when I'm mindful and moderate about it. Plus I feel SO much better.

    The WORST THING I DID....AND THE DUMBEST....was to finish off all the wine while I was cleaning up. Like all the bottles that just had a tidge left? Apparently people don't like to have the last little tidge.

    OK so I'm pouring myself these little quarter glasses of wine while while cleaning up after the party and get this: I HAD ALREADY BEEN POUNDING MARGARITAS ALL DAY which probably had a lot to do with my sound judgement in devising my "clean up strategy."

    Also helped finish off: the last of the guacamole....it would be brown tomorrow, after all! And it would be a shame to throw away that last piece of sharp cheddar my BIL sent from Wisconsin....I PROBABLY GAINED TWO POUNDS CLEANING MY KITCHEN. EPIC FAIL!
  • For the most part you did well, focus on that. One day off especially during the holiday is common.
  • I did reasonably OKAY Christmas day. Last night I ate two slices of cheese pizza and 1/2 a cup of honey roasted peanuts. Can we say OFF PLAN? I have already run my three miles this morning and am getting ready to hit the mall. Shopping burns calories too!
  • Well i did not ok this Christmas but .... way more better than last year , I ate some chips " but all ",
    no pop , no beer and belive me that is good .
    I though i gain weigh ... lucky me i weigh this morning and i still the same , now I have 4 days until my WW WI so i I will try to be OP , i may be able to lose .5 or something , I don't want to see I gain ...

    I hope everybody have a happy new year .
  • The holiday week has been rough for me, too. I did better than I thought I would, but I still could have been a much BETTER eater. But today is a new week, and I'm a new person..I've come far! I still got all my workouts in, and I pushed myself a lot harder, so I'm proud. Hey, it's just a week, and I'm way ahead of making those "resolutions" for the year, so I'm trying to be optimistic. I'm going to make 2009 a big year, and I'm not going to start off on a bad note because of one week:-)
  • I binged practically the whole week. I know how you feel. I even made a Smart Ones lasagna for lunch, tossed it & made a giant plate of nachos about 10 mins ago. I feel like a failure, but I'm just going to move on & try harder. I'm gonna eat like I normally would everyday, workout & drink water. It's all you can do. Just pick yourself up by your boot straps!
  • The holiday week has been rough for me, too ... but for the whole year i did ok...so i won't blame myself...i couldn't do all this journey without closing my eyes sometimes.
  • thanks guys! I tried to get back on track yesterday but the evening went badly. However, I'm starting again today! Just gotta keep going