would you eat this?

  • I found this bread in our grocery store baked by a local baker (The Baker, Milford, NJ). The ingredient list is in order:

    Organic stone ground whole wheat,
    wheat bran
    organic whole rye
    sea salt
    oat fiber
    olive oil
    organic apple cider vinegar

    Calories (says per 1 oz) = 50
    fat = 1g
    Togal carbs = 8g
    Dietary fiber - 3g

    I am not on any "plan" I am just low carbing to maintain fluctuations of blood sugar levels and to avoid cravings.

  • Sounds fantastic, can you send me some?
  • I think I would definitely have a slice on occasion. Like for heavy protein open-faced sandwiches, or veggie pizza bases Maybe freeze the loaf so it doesn't go off before you finish it.

    I would avoid having it with fruit 'cause that personally wrecks my blood sugar. Shoot, now I am of a mind to search for something similar. lol
  • Maybe they ship? Do a search on The Baker, Milford, NJ. I think they may ship. They have TONS of awesome products. I did freeze the loaf and when I'm really craving a piece of bread (which, ironically is rarely now) I take one out and have it.
  • I have had it and it's really good. Beware of the serving size, however. Each slice is actually about 2 plus servings. It's not a low carb bread, but the ingredients are good for you and it tastes good.
