Ready to get back in shape journal.

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  • Yeah, like they said.

    You can't do every thing "right" every single day. It just can't occur. To think that it can, isn't realistic.

    You're going to have better days and worse days and better days and worse days. That's just how you have to look at it. Nothing is ruined if a particular part of a particular day didn't go exactly as planned. Strive to do better immediately, not the next day. And whatever happens, happens.

    All the things you used to think of as screw ups, from here on in are now known as learning experiences. Use them, learn from then and GROW. You (we all) are works in progress. Got it? Good.
  • Thank you for the support ladies!!!! i must remember that i am not alone in this.
    today was not one of my better days meaning i did not feel inspired and ready to do more, planning ways to workout more, improve eating habits, ect. but like you ladies said its just another rock in the road i just go around it and not let it block my path.


    -1 cup of oats with yogurt and grapes
    4 grams of CLA
    -i grabbed my ipod and went for a walk today(nothing heart pumping though, just an easy stroll.)
    -1 large grapefruit
    -pasta!( not whole grain either, but the problem was in reality i must have had close to 3 servings of it.)
    -1 cup of mixed veggies
    -more grapes(2-3 servings)
    -2 boiled eggs, whites only +half a yoke
    -1 protein shake-60 grams of protein
    -1 orange
    -green tea
    -1 multi-vitamin

    okay now that i've typed everything down and see it, it does not seem so horrible. i could have done way worse.
  • Need more protein!

    Also, eat the whole egg. No need to leave out the yolk, it has good nutrients!

  • its before 7 AM and i've done 10 minutes of cardio
    had a protein(26g of protein)
    and i'm about to devour 4 scrambled eggs.

    overall i'm feeling good after that brief heart pumping workout; looking forward to the rest of the day.
  • i got my period today.
    no cramps as sometimes i would get, but no appetite eighter.

    -protein shake
    4 grams of CLA
    -2 scrambled eggs
    -2 oranges
    -1 large bowl of vegetable soup
    -1 cup of Metamucil fiber drink for some extra fiber
    -protein shake
    -green tea later

    day started out good and now.....well i hate getting my period!
  • Hey! I'd like to suggest that you not depend quite so much on protein shakes. How about--cheese, cottage cheese, string cheese, chicken, turkey, other lean meats? If cooking is an issue, get meats from the deli counter, ready to go--sliced roast turkey, beef. And also, you could consider pre-cooked shrimp now and then. Tuna packed in water. etc.

    Good on the fruits and veggies!--but think about bananas, cantaloupe, etc. And those frozen vegetables I mentioned in another post. If you're eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables, and if you add a piece of whole grain bread now and then--say, with the soup--you won't need to be putting in much metamucil...

  • Quote: Hey! I'd like to suggest that you not depend quite so much on protein shakes. How about--cheese, cottage cheese, string cheese, chicken, turkey, other lean meats? If cooking is an issue, get meats from the deli counter, ready to go--sliced roast turkey, beef. And also, you could consider pre-cooked shrimp now and then. Tuna packed in water. etc.

    Good on the fruits and veggies!--but think about bananas, cantaloupe, etc. And those frozen vegetables I mentioned in another post. If you're eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables, and if you add a piece of whole grain bread now and then--say, with the soup--you won't need to be putting in much metamucil...


    i understand this. also a trainer told me to keep my diet pretty bland and simple. boring and stay consistent with it. he has great success with his cleints and they confessed that keeping boring and simple was the way to go, no need to change it up all the time(thats what you do to your workouts not diet)

    that doesn't mean no "cheat meals" cause they are good to have every few days. i'm trying to duplicate this-make my diet simple, no nonsense. what do you ladies think about this concept.
  • Quote:
    also a trainer told me to keep my diet pretty bland and simple. boring and stay consistent with it. he has great success with his cleints and they confessed that keeping boring and simple was the way to go, no need to change it up all the time(thats what you do to your workouts not diet)
    You know ... while I appreciate that some people need bland, boring, and the same all the time ... that kind of instruction is what made me start and quit more diets than I could ever count in this lifetime.

    And quite frankly I HATE the mindset that to "diet" you have to be bland and boring. You can eat the same thing every day w/out being bland and boring.

    And yes, you CAN change up your diet all the time and not fail.

    I love food. I have always loved food. I like good food. I like spicy food. I like food with flavor and texture. And while, yes, that's part of why I became fat - I ate too much food - it's also why I failed at so many diets - because I wasn't allowed ot enjoy food.

    The thing that has made this journey so successful for me is realizing that I dn't have to deprive myself. I don't have to eat bland foods. I eat real foods and the foods I love - just not in the quantities I did before.

    The other thing about the diet plan you're following here is this: What happens when you stop dieting? What happens when you stop using protein shakes and supplements and fiber drinks and so forth? You're learning nothing about how to eat REAL food. And chances are you'll gain back once you stop using that stuff.

    I know that you've said that right now the pills and the supplements are providing you with incentive, but I really really really think you need to eat more real food.

    I don't have any problem with protein supplements. I use protein powder myself AS A SUPPLEMENT, not as a meal replacement. Stop thinking of those things as something you eat as a meal, and start thinking of them as things that you use to help you supplement your food and achieve a goal.

  • hey ladies! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

    okay so i know i haven't posted in a while. new year resolution is of course to get in tip top shape. i'm excited and determined acutely. i going to do the 30 day shed by Jillian Michaels challenge. i did day 1 today and it was no joke. my goal is shed 10 pound which is pretty realistic and healthy.

    here are my current stats:
    35.6% bodyfat

    150 lbs
    30% bodyfat

    pics( jan 3, 2009)

    sorry but it wont let me post pics right now as my post count is not 25 or greater. i will try it again soon.