Study suggests sugar may be addictive


    Scientists are looking at how the bingeing and withdrawal and cravings that happen with sugar consumption are actually part of an addictive cycle. Interestingly, there's also possibly a link between sugar addiction and alcoholism, which I have suspected for a while based on my family's history of addictions.
  • Umm I thought it was known that sugar is addictive... well at least in the terms of insulin, carbs can be addictive.
  • Sugar and alcoholism go hand in hand? Makes sense to me. My body responds poorly to BOTH.
  • Quote: Umm I thought it was known that sugar is addictive... well at least in the terms of insulin, carbs can be addictive.
    Previously their research has shown some of the qualities of addiction, but not all. Here's an article that goes more into depth about the study:

    And the addictive part has nothing to do with insulin, is it literally the same kind of addictive pathways in use as in other drug addictions: "Similar changes also are seen in the brains of rats on cocaine and heroin."
  • I think what's most interesting is that they noted that a cycle of feast and famine exacerbated or perhaps even was largely responsible for the addiction response. In essence, the crash diet/binge cycle may make us more vulnerable to the effects of sugar.

    More proof that old-school dieting doesn't work (and can actually make the situation worse).

    More evidence for me though that I have to limit natural sugars and avoid refined sugar almost entirely.
  • I have believed for a long time that there is a link between sugar addiction and alcoholism or that the tendency for both is genetic to a degree.


    I also think that sucrose (table sugar) is just as bad in terms of addiction as the more villified HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), although to a lesser degree and that both are linked to obesity as they trigger overeating and are stored more readily in the body as fat.
  • For me sugar is not addictive -- but salt sure is!! I always crave more more more of salty foods. Food without salt just doesn't have the same effect....I'm almost indifferent to it.
  • Well I could have told them that without spending the money and time.
  • lol helwa!!!

    I think they have to use a more scientific base than that, though.
  • I gave up sugar last April and had withdraw symptoms-headache, cravings, upset stomach, general feeling of being ill which lasted three weeks. If I do eat sugar it has to be the fifth ingredient so my cravings don't come back and send me into a binge.