Winter workouts?

  • im curious what you guys do in the winter for workouts?

    It snowed and iced here today and I didnt go to the gym this evening. I am hoping it will all be cleared by tomorrow evening so I can make up today.

    But im wondering for those of you who have done the same thing skipping a day what else do you do? Home workout? walking? Its really cold out so walking for very long is not an option. Just looking for some ideas or thoughts on what you do.
  • I walk on the treadmil every night, about 30mins 1.5mi.

    Not that its cold outside, i just dont like 'working out' in public, not my thing.
    Hopefully when i lose weight i can escape that insecurity.

    Also, workout videos are great, and i also use my Wii-Fit daily in the mornings for yoga. =)
  • i was thinking about a workout video! Maybe someone on here can recommend one for me?

    Oh i love the gym! I totally thing most people there couldnt care less what you look like. At least at my gym its that way. were all there for the same reason and thats to be healthy and have a healthy body.
  • I'm interested in seeing some more input on this thread, since I'm having trouble motivating for jogging right now, and could use some fresh ideas for cardio.
  • Here in SoCA this is the easiest time of the year to workout -- cool and breezy without the summer triple digit heat and SMOG!

    When we had the fires my friend and I did go to the mall to run/walk though, since the air was soooo bad outside, it was kind of fun! They open up at 6:30 just for walking and running. You do have to pass by the evil Cinnebon smell on the way out though, lol.
  • Yesterday I purchased a used stationary/exercise bike through craigslist(though I REALLY need to get a bike seat cover for it.. oww, my poor sore behind ) so I am going to use that as much as I can this winter. I also like to hula-hoop and dance indoors. I think I'm going to invest in some workout videos as well, and I'm also going to learn to bellydance. In additon I'm going to be checking craigslist often for possibly a good deal on some other sort of workout equipment.
  • I used to live in a cold climate, and you can't let the weather stop you from getting to the gym--unless, as with the recent ice storm, it's dangerous! In that case I wouldn't go, either.

    Exercise videos/DVDs are a great fallback for those times. There are some good ones--you can even check some out at the library in some places. I sometimes do my old Tae Bo tapes.

    It's also helpful to have some hand weights at home so you can do a bit of muscle work.
