Binge Free Challenge ~ Dec. 08 - 14

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  • Haven't binged in over a week. Am not counting days anymore though. It sets me up for feeling like a failure when I overeat. Also, I don't judge what I eat anymore...Because of my birthday and the holidays I've had a couple of lunches made up of chocolate cake and candy. I didn't count those as binges because I ate a little bit.

    What's amazing is even with the birthday dinners and holiday sweets, in the past week I have lost 5 lbs. It's not the type of food that gets me fat, it's the amount.

    I am pretty excited about all this. Got on the scale and I'm the lowest weight I've been in a few years. Don't know why I stopped bingeing during the holiday season, which is the toughest time of the year. I guess I'll enjoy the streak while it lasts.
  • Wow, 5 pounds? That's great! I'm with you, this is the lowest weight I have been in years and I've been much more sensible with food this holiday season.
    Still room for me to improve though.
  • Day 5 and going strong. I opened a can of soda and didn't even drink half of it! I'm so proud of myself. I feel like junk isn't an option, overeating isn't an option. I've been working out. Yesterday I did 100 situps and 25 reverse situps. I've been walking around and going up and down stairs. ^_^ I feel like I'm really in control
  • Day 54! I can't actually believe I've made it this far. I've been really low over the last few days and I was SOOO SOOO SOOO close to binging today. I left the house with full intentions of buying as much chocolate as I could find. But on the way I realised how awful I'd feel after. Like a complete failure. So I bought some fruit and veg instead! Who'd a thunk it?! I'm scared though....I think I'm really scared of bringing those foods back into my diet. I'll either be terrified of them or I wont be able to control myself. I dunno my heads a little all over the place. I've made it 2 weeks longer then I ever have before and I can't help but be proud of that!
  • CONGRATULATIONS to you all! I have just completed day5
  • still not bingeing, but have been overeating a bit the last few days, dinners out, etc. Caught myself snacking when not hungry today, after brunch. Stopped now, and planning a light supper of soup.
    Maddie, good for you. Don't worry about "adding" the foods back in, during the holidays, other people will buy them. then at least they are not in the house, and you have to share to look nice.
    Roxie, welcome, and hope the funeral went well and you were able to leave the office party.