Started the enhancer pills today...

  • I do not 'officially' go on days 1-4 plan until tomorrow, but I decided to start the enhancer today (they said I could if I wanted) so that I could see how much/if it would affect me. I did not want to start taking them on a work day without testing the waters first. I took one with Breakfast and one with lunch, and have been feeling a bit cracked out all day. Not necessarily in a bad way, but in a false sense of energy way. I think I am going to stick with 2 a day rather than the 4 a day they recommend until I go on the regular plan that involves more food intake. I don't want to have the sweaty/racing heart feeling all the time. Has anyone else had the enhancer/thermo/whatever it is they are called have this effect?
  • I"m working on Christmas cards today - and attempting to find any excuse to procrastinate! So I'm on here.