At Home Support (rants lol) Dec 7-13

  • Well Chickies for me it was wi day and at least I maintained and did not gain. I don't know about you but I am really getting frustrated with my body. -- hence the rant

    I keep a food journal and write everything down (truly I do, no cheating there) and I look at my weight loss and I am really not sure why my progress is so slow??? I see others on here who have dropped like 40 pounds in 3 months and I have barely moved the scale at 15 for the same time period. I average about 22-24 pts a day for the week, of course some days are higher some are lower. I know my exercise is just really getting started these past two weeks but before that there was a medical issue.

    Does you body really know the difference between a piece of fudge and an apple pt/calorie wise?

    How do you handle slow to no loss over the course of several months? Or am I the only lucky one? I am hoping you more experienced or vocal ones can help with suggestions

    But on a positive note--I have set up a specific area in my family room that will be just for me and my work outs...kinda now my own mini gym area so I am excited. I have even organized my dvd's in the order I will use them so I don't get tired of them. (am I a bit to organized?)

    will check in later
  • Hi everyone! I am having a hard time getting back on the wagon. I'm having a few health issues, and I think that is part of the problem. I am trying out a new med for my PCOS which is great since it upsets my tummy if I eat too much of anything not so good for me! I am also still severly anemic - my iron levels are very low and I'm off to the hematologist this week. I have been trying to do my normal exercising, but I feel lightheaded and woozy after a few minutes, so I have to stop. That is really putting a kink in my routine, since I was doing so well on the exercise front for so long.

    Nancy - I think each persons body is different. I lost a lot quite steadily in the first few months - about 40 lbs in 4 months, but now I have slowed to almost nothing. I think that the heavier you are - I started at close to 325, the easier it is for the weight to come off at first.

    Have you tried measuring yourself? I take my measurements once a month (on the 1st). Although I had lost lost of weight, I wasn't losing inches as quickly. Last month, I registered a .2 lb loss for the month, but lost 9 inches - I think my body just had to catch up with my WL. Just keep hnging in there - it will eventually come off. I know it's frustrating, but you can do it!

    Hope you all have a great OP week!
  • Well today is WI in for me and Im down 2.7 lbs. Which is very exciting for me but even better is that I've hit my 5% loss. Only 11.1 lbs till 10%

    Though I have noticed something strange. Like this weekend was bad for food choices and I ate fast food twice. Both times I ate it I could only eat about half of what I ordered. Its like it stopped tasting good or something. Very strange. Anybody else have that happen to them?

    Well gotta run to work but Ill post some more later. Have a great day ladies!
  • Nancy, if you've lost 15 lbs in 3 months, that's a very healthy weight loss! Say like 12 weeks - that equals just over a lb a week. Also, weight goes faster the more overweight you are (usually, not always!). Since you're already under 200, it would definitely go slower for you. I always drop so much more slowly and it takes a lot more work when I'm down under 160. Which I hope to be soon!

    Texscrapper, I hope you can get your medical stuff figured out soon, so you don't have that stress too!!

    Yay, AvsGirly! A 2.7 lb loss is awesome! I've felt that food thing too - your body is used to healthier stuff, and CAN tell the difference. Not feeling it currently, but I know what you're talking about.

    I did pretty well this week - I guess! I tend to lose weight in spurts. I've been working at this since like February (my last baby was born in December) but I keep having setbacks where we go home for 2-3 weeks or I just get really lazy, or we have stressful life stuff, where I gain back the last 3-4 weeks of progress. It's a little frustrating, but I'm glad I haven't given up. The whole "2 steps forward and 1 step back". But actually, at a month post partum I was 193, so if I look at my weight loss for the year, I've lost 26 lbs. Definitely a good thing. Slow, but good. I just need to hang in there during the holidays and not sabotage myself, so I don't have extra work to do after Christmas break!
    I had my official WI in this morning. 167, which is only a net loss of like half a lb for the last few weeks, but I'm down 2.4 lbs from last Monday (after Thanksgiving/moving) so I am happy! Have to hang in there and resist all the munchies that will be flowing during the next 3 weeks... My daughter's 1st birthday is this week, so that's something to mentally prepare for... Have a great day everyone!

    P.S. I just realized I've also lost exactly 10% of my weight since my "re-start" in July! Yay! Only took me 6 months... ;-)
  • Thanks for listening to me rant, I am sure I will start in again just because

    texs I wish I had been measuring myself but truth be told I am scared to see what the ole tape mesure says. I feel the same about the scale I just almost get scared to get on especially after a few days of bad choices. I am sorry about your iron levels and med's...I must say I can relate, mine was for different medical reasons but it has been a rollor coaster for the past 5 years and since surgery I finally feel I might be normal?

    AVS congrats! that is awesome you have been working hard and it is showing!

    sara you are doing great too and with the holidays and baby's birthday it is going to be stressful but you can do it.

    yesterday I popped in my Firm dvd that I have not done in close to 2 years (I actually have 5 dvd's but I tend to do the same one over and over but not this time they are rotatiing by goodness) this one lasted 62 min whew, I did not get my intensity level as high as I might have but I was just trying to keep up with the unfamiliar steps. Next time will be easier and I will up my level and weight in a few areas.

    Here is a question though. when I was just doing the mini tramp jogging I did that for about 45min and counted that as high level since I would be a bit short on breath and sweating ALOT, now with these dvd's the level goes up and down-that is the way it is designed- I do sweat, my shirt is wet when I am done, my legs can/are shaking at times, so are my arms but I never really get breathing really hard like on the mini tramp, but I do have periods of breathing pretty heavy. Is this activity considered moderate? or heavy? I know it is past light
  • What you eat is more important than how many calories/points are in it. A large apple and a piece of fudge might be the same calories but your body processes them differently and the apple will keep you full longer. That's why the new Momentum plan is focusing on getting us to eat healthy foods from the Filling Foods list and leave the 100-calorie packs and other junk for occasional treat days.
  • Nancy- It can be very frustrating. Have you tried changing your points or doing the Wendie Plan for a week to see if that helps budge the scale. In my past experiences with WW. I tend to lose 3lbs one week and 1 the next or I will hit 2 weeks of just maintaining, then I try to either go down to the next point level or do the Wendie Plan to trick my body and it seems to help. As for the Firm workouts. Ive done them before and I would guess they are a heavy level to me, but I guess to be on the safe side you can count it as moderate.

    Texs- I hope you start feeling better and can get back to your normal self. Have you tried just walking for exercise to avoid the getting dizzy?

    Avs- Congrats on the weight loss!

    Sara- Losing 26lbs in a year after having a baby and keeping it off is definitely a GREAT THING! My youngest just turned 5 and I first started WW 6 weeks after she was born. I never thought 5 years later I would still be trying to achieve my goal. Ive done the roller coaster yo yo. Lost weight gained it all back then lost it again and gained most of it back. I figure 3rd times a charm.

    I did really well today with my points, but I didnt make it to the gym tonight after work like I wanted to, I had to take the kids to the Christmas Parade. Sorry for the novel!
  • Imnot, yes I have/am doing the wendie plan. I mix my points up for a total between 155-167 per week. As for the comment on the fudge I really rarely eat candy but I just need to throw that out there since this slow weight loss is so frustrating to me. I was hoping to hit a goal of 148 by jan 1 and I set this goal back in november with only 8 lbs to go, and here it is december and I am still in the same spot I was....ok I am done ranting thanks for listening

    this afternoon/eve I took off work with my sister to do some christmas shopping....8 hours later we finally headed feet are so sore and I hardly got anything..go figure? Oh well I did get things that had to be taken to the post office so I can get that mailed this week. Gifts to be exchanged at my house can wait for another day to be bought. I don't know why I have put so much of this off this year..and usually I buy everything on line and have it delivered. Guess this year really creep d up on me.

    have a great night everyone I am off to bed
  • Well ladies, I told myself that I wouldn't step on the scale until the 1st, but I broke down yesterday. In a way, I was glad that I did, because I saw that I hit the 50 lb mark in my weight loss journey. I just cannot believe that I have lost that much so far. I now have 99 lbs left to go - which is another victory for me - I can finally say that I have less than 100 lbs to lose

    Anyway, I am not going to weigh in again until Monday. This is a huge change for me since I normally would weigh myself 8-10 times a day . I like being accountable to myself instead of the scale. My body knows whne I am doing the right thing and when I'm not.

    Avs - Your stomach has probably also started to shrink. I noticed within the first 6 weeks of WW that I could no longer finish full meals like I used to be able to. That is a great NSV! WTG!

    Sara - CONGRATS on the 10% loss! Way to hang in there. I have been felling "burned out" on the whole WW thing lately, and it couldn't come at a worst time - all of the goodies and parties, and munchies can reek havoc on the my dieting plans.

    Imnot - I have tried several different things to try to exercise, but after a few minutes I get completely exhausted or just dizzy. I have been trying to add things to my normal housework - lunges when I get the laundry out, squats while putting away dishes, etc. which is ok for a little while. My iron levels right now are at 5.7 (normal levels are between 11 and 13). My doctor does not want me to overdo it, since he's afraid I'll end up in the hospital! Hopefully Thursday, the specialist can give me some insight and help me get on the right track.

    Nancy - glad that you got some shopping done. I am usually finished by Oct, but this year is throwing me for a loop. I have to finish up getting some little things, but at least the boys big Santa gifts are bought and stowed away!

    Well - more to everyone soon! I hope you all have on OP day!
  • WHOO HOO TEXS 50lbs is a huge milestone! I a so proud of you you worked so very hard! I can't wait for you to hit another milestone this is so exciting I am jumping around my room and family thinks I am nuts LOL

    As for me I feel good tonight another night of the 'firm' 55 min worth of cardio and weights. I am feeling it in the abs though.

    Hope everyone else had a great day too!
  • Well chickies I had a good op day today and worked out --again-- world record for me 3 out of 4 days. It would have been 4 out of 4 but I did that 7 or so hours of walking the mall monday afternoon/ maybe that counted for some movement anyway.

    I did weigh myself this morning and am down 1lb from Sunday so I am really happy about that .. maybe the scale will move some but when I look back at my gain/loss for the past 5 weeks I am still up 2 pounds from last month. I know I know this is not a race but I am so afraid that I will have another holiday week like I did over thanksgiving...

    I need help to stay strong and away from poor choices
  • Whew what a hectic few days this has been!

    Work took me out of town yesterday and that meant I was home late. The only good thing was I managed to make some good choices.

    Today another good day except for the breakfast meal which was a bagel. But with the AP I earned tonight I think I have kept it all in check. And if truth is told I am right at my points and not used my flex points yet....notice the yet part LOL

    Anyway hope you all are doing well, will post again later
  • Congrats, Tex on your 50 lb. mark! You must feel great and look great, too. I need to buckle down on my program. I will try to check in with this group on a regular basis next week. Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • Hmm... I'd better do something fast today! For breakfast so far I've had a piece of the Texas sheet cake we had at Jaina's part last night, and half a sugar cookie that some neighbors brought over on a plate. Turn it around, turn it around!
  • LOL sara, I know the feeling! A little sugar here a little there.

    Well today I had to work too so I am pretty wiped out, I did not work out tonight so for the past 7 days I have only 4 days of exercise in..but heck that is better than 3 weeks ago, even 3 months ago when I had 0 zero...goose egg exercise in.

    and wi is tomorrow morning and here I ate 2 slices of thin crust veggie pizza for lunch and two glasses of wine..what am I thinking??? flex pts???

    oh but.....I did get asked today if I had lost weight whoo hoo first time in a long time someone notices a few pounds gone. actually I think it has to do more with inches gone than pounds but I will most certainly take the compliment.

    I hope you all have done well this week. It has been quiet on this board but I am sure everyone is busy with the holiday planning. I still have to fix a christmas eve dinner for 7 people....I am swinging towards a pasta dish even though it is not good for me pts wise. I know that on christmas day I will eat fine and I plan to work out .. notice the 'plan' word is in there

    night all