My intro

  • Hello everyone, I'm new here, found the site yesterday.My name is Mandy, I am a Navy wife, and stay at home mom of 3(2 are in school but I'm home with my son). A hobby I have picked up this year is motorcycle riding. My husband bought me my own for our anniversary back in Feb. He started riding in Sept laat year and after a month on the the back, I knew I wanted one of my I have been overweight for a few years now, just going up and down and up and down. The biggest battle has been the last 5 years. I lost all my baby weight after my son was born(he just turned 5) But I put it all back on I am now about 3 to 5lbs over what I weighed when I gave birth. I don't really have a plan on how I am going to lose the weight. My biggest problem is dinner. I wish I could for go it all together but I have to cook and feed my family. I have tried cooking for them and not eating, but then I get a million questions about why I am not eating. I have no portion control, I panic if I think there isn't going to be enough for me. So thats what I am working on. First step is adding snacks in my day, even if I am not hungry so that dinner maybe wont seem so important
  • willow, I have the same issue with dinner...I will selectively choose what I have made...some nights I skip the starchy things and eat whatever veggies or salads I have made...if I serve bread I might have a slice minus the's no fun but really I have gotten used to it, besides they don't need to watch what they eat the way I need to

    ETA: Welcome to the 3FC. It's a great place to be.